just gonna wait for the next person to do it and if they don't have a doctors note they are fucking finished
lol wut? Who the fack gets doctor notes these days?
I always found it funny when people call in and they sound like they are dead on the phone. Then ya see them at the store during your lunch break doing backflips and shit.
I'd rather people be real when they call in sick. Just say,... "I'm not gonna make it today." Cuz who really gives a fack about excuses anyways? Excuses are useless.
Yeah the only reason I said that was because if someone really was fucked up and went to the doc I wouldn't fire them... Because it's a legit reason
just realized I cant see monster magnet/royal thunder... because thats black friday <___________________________________________________________________>
yeah bites pretty hard. Ive seen royal a few times and they arent about to stop playing shows anytime soon, so whatever. the two playing together is what hurts though.
I could possibly still get off just in time to see royal but Id have to get a golden shift, noon-7 or something.
Oh hai I live 100 miles from Cleveland, indiemerch HQ...but the postal service makes this a fun game of where the fuck can we send it first?
>Depart Cleveland
-my house
>Arrive Indiana
-my house
>Arrive Michigan
-Fuck off for a couple days
>My house
Be cool if there was an option to just pick it up. Wouldn't do it every time, but I just happened to be in Cleveland the exact day my order shipped.
I could possibly still get off just in time to see royal but Id have to get a golden shift, noon-7 or something.