Ah how I missed these wonderful arguments. Somebody likes something I don't like waaa waaa waaa. Who cares? Everyone is different.
Erik throw a bitch fit like no other at game stop go off on thw manager and talk to whoever you have to. If they sold it without the 48 hours being up that's a fuck up on them. If it was after 48 hours its well known they don't continue to hold it shouldn't have even called. Either way still bitch about It. At the very least get your money back.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I've said it before, Idgaf if grown man children like video games .. Like you said everyone is different.. I just want you dorks to accept reality.. Just like I accept the fact I'm a crusty old man..
People like different things....that's all this cones down to...video games are not a kid thing.... He'll video games are proven to reduce depression in people who play them....I know very few 9-18 year olds that play as many hours of video games that my 20-45 year old friends play
I seriously don't know a single 30 + yr old who plays video games.. Not a one.. It's just liked Mini golf .. Can adults enjoy mini golf? Sure But if you saw an adult playing mini golf everyday it would be kinda well .. Sad lol even if he enjoys it and is happy as a clam
It's not ignorant you kiddies these days are just in ducking denial sorry you can't handle it Im a grown ass man that still loves Disney world lol It's corny as fuck and I'm a dork for it and its childish but at least I can admit it Y'all in dork denial And how in gods name am I ignorant I played vg like every other kid
Erik throw a bitch fit like no other at game stop go off on thw manager and talk to whoever you have to. If they sold it without the 48 hours being up that's a fuck up on them. If it was after 48 hours its well known they don't continue to hold it shouldn't have even called. Either way still bitch about It. At the very least get your money back.
It's just liked Mini golf .. Can adults enjoy mini golf? Sure
But if you saw an adult playing mini golf everyday it would be kinda well .. Sad lol even if he enjoys it and is happy as a clam
Just something to think about.
No offense
At least I'm not in denial
I literally just said myself included a couple posts up
Im a grown ass man that still loves Disney world lol
It's corny as fuck and I'm a dork for it and its childish but at least I can admit it
Y'all in dork denial
And how in gods name am I ignorant I played vg like every other kid
I know plenty of adults that play video games.........
But it's a fucking kids thing
Explain to me how getting high and running over hookers at 3 am Is the behavior of an adult