Had Arkham Origins Collector's Edition preordered, had $90 down, owed another $30. Called yesterday and asked if it's possible they could hold it 'til next Friday, 'cause that's when I get paid. Bitch told me it should be fine, and that if it wasn't, I would get a phone call, if it was, no phone call. So no one ever called me, figured it was cool. They just called me and told me someone sold my copy last night and there's a new policy that you lose 50% of your deposit for "unclaimed" reserves. They didn't even honor their 48 hour policy. I'm fucking furious. I lose out on the dopest collector's edition of the year and now I lose $45? No fucking way. I'm bout to walk my ass over there right now. Fuck these motherfuckers.
Had Arkham Origins Collector's Edition preordered, had $90 down, owed another $30. Called yesterday and asked if it's possible they could hold it 'til next Friday, 'cause that's when I get paid. Bitch told me it should be fine, and that if it wasn't, I would get a phone call, if it was, no phone call. So no one ever called me, figured it was cool. They just called me and told me someone sold my copy last night and there's a new policy that you lose 50% of your deposit for "unclaimed" reserves. They didn't even honor their 48 hour policy. I'm fucking furious. I lose out on the dopest collector's edition of the year and now I lose $45? No fucking way. I'm bout to walk my ass over there right now. Fuck these motherfuckers.
See the fact that you keep calling it "kids shit" proves how fucking ignorant you are.
Just like the colors you wear instantly determine your sexuality. 8-| You have to be the most closedminded motherfucker I've ever seen. I almost pity you. I'd hate to live so fucking bitter.
Yes Nola. There's games like GTA where you can get trashed, drive drunk, slaughter innocent civilians via drunken hit and runs, witness multiple sex scenes, literally have bare tits in your face at the strip club, smoke weed, lean on codeine in a certain mission, profanity every 10 seconds, fuck hookers, among so much more, but naw video games are complete child's bullshit. Matter fact if I ever have a son, our afternoons will consist of Father Son hooker slaughter. At the ripe age of 4, since it's strictly for children. How precious. :X
I'm an old fart kids to me is like 13 not 4 lol and yes gta tho fun sometimes is straight up kids shit.. You don't see any grown ass 40 yr olds coming home from work and killing hookers on their Xbox while they abuse cough medicine.. Well maybe catz but he's just a giant child..
Video games at this point are just as valid of an art form as music, movies, books, etc. And if you still disagree wit that in 2013, you're fucking hopeless.
The Last Of Us, for example, was better in story than any movie I've seen in quite some time.
Video games at this point are just as valid of an art form as music, movies, books, etc. And if you still disagree wit that in 2013, you're fucking hopeless.
The Last Of Us, for example, was better in story than any movie I've seen in quite some time.
Erik to show how grown up your are for your age ask the bitchez at dd that your thirstin over to come by Tomm for some sweet video game action.. I'm sure they'll be so impressed
Had Arkham Origins Collector's Edition preordered, had $90 down, owed another $30. Called yesterday and asked if it's possible they could hold it 'til next Friday, 'cause that's when I get paid. Bitch told me it should be fine, and that if it wasn't, I would get a phone call, if it was, no phone call. So no one ever called me, figured it was cool. They just called me and told me someone sold my copy last night and there's a new policy that you lose 50% of your deposit for "unclaimed" reserves. They didn't even honor their 48 hour policy. I'm fucking furious. I lose out on the dopest collector's edition of the year and now I lose $45? No fucking way. I'm bout to walk my ass over there right now. Fuck these motherfuckers.
We get it. You hate games and you're literally a 70 year old man trapped in a 20 something's body. Kill yourself.
Why don't you go buy shoots and ladders and candy land while you're at it
Just like the colors you wear instantly determine your sexuality. 8-| You have to be the most closedminded motherfucker I've ever seen. I almost pity you. I'd hate to live so fucking bitter.
I liked wrestling to but it's time to move on..
The Last Of Us, for example, was better in story than any movie I've seen in quite some time.