Floor sold out for my date of the Testament/KSE/LOG tour. Myself and a couple friends already got our tickets but a couple others didn't and now they're bitching hard
Pretty posses, so my boss who is a friend of like 4 years told me the owners still do t believe I'm sick, they think I'm hungover from the lions game...which I didn't even drink at "....so now I'm on my way to urgent care for a ducking cold so that I can save my job....seriously I didn't miss any time for a year and I get sick and they pull this shit....we I'm fucking pissed
Yeah it's drawing back to a fb post from my buddy that made on Thursday....my owner grew up with my buddy and saw a post I was tagged in...we'll iv been sick as fuck ever since...and according to health code you cannot work with food if you are sick....we'll anyways they don't believe me so I am on the way to the doc right now....never felt so disrespected by an employer before....what the fuck is the point of going to work every single day for a year if they are just gonna not believe you when your sick....I'm glad my other boss sis a friend because I thought they assumed I was sick cause I saw the owner yesterday...I went in and he told me I had to go home
As far as sleeping conditions