a friend of mine has a daughter that's 5 and in 1st grade right now. she brought a flower to school for her teacher and got bullied all the way out the door, with other kids throwing things at her on the way to my friend's car. i would absolutely butcher not only the kids for doing that to one of mine, but i'd hunt down their parents and gut them too. i don't really have any choice but to home school them cuz i just don't wanna put myself in that position
basically target doesn't do things directly. everything is through a third party system, and chase bank doesn't like that. but targets like nah tough shit.
ill explain in detail when I'm not drunk.
What are you having trouble with?
student loan application, more specifically proof of employment and income. I found a way to do it, but its just a backass method.
essentially target refused to sign off on the company letterhead paper that chase asked them to because all of their behind the scenes shit is done through a third party system as opposed to directly with target management. its stupid but whatever.
Did you try faxing it to TMSC. .or HROC whatever its called now. Usually they take care of anything that needs to be signed or whatever. Does your HR help you at all???? Sheesh. When I was HR I did my best to help out my team members. HR was my passion... now I'm GSTL and it sucks lol
a friend of mine has a daughter that's 5 and in 1st grade right now. she brought a flower to school for her teacher and got bullied all the way out the door, with other kids throwing things at her on the way to my friend's car. i would absolutely butcher not only the kids for doing that to one of mine, but i'd hunt down their parents and gut them too. i don't really have any choice but to home school them cuz i just don't wanna put myself in that position
Omg what are people teaching their kids? I would kick someones ass if they bullied my khaleesi....I told my husband not to be surprised if I ever call him and tell him I just got arrested...
People get to worked up about kids getting picked on these days. Yeah, it sucks, but today that girl learned a very important life lesson... People can be assholes. It's way better than letting them think everybody can be best friends and we can all get along with everybody if you just give everybody hugs. It's a nice idea, but its not the world that child actually lives in.
People get to worked up about kids getting picked on these days. Yeah, it sucks, but today that girl learned a very important life lesson... People can be assholes. It's way better than letting them think everybody can be best friends and we can all get along with everybody if you just give everybody hugs. It's a nice idea, but its not the world that child actually lives in.
I wasn't bullied, but I was picked on enough from 1st through 8th grade to make my life a living hell. It ruined the early portion of my life. I'm actually at a disadvantage now because the shit I went through as a kid had me so fucked up emotionally by the time I was a 6th grader that I ended up behind in school and it took me busting heads from 8th to 10th grade on a regular basis for me to get people to stfu. There wasn't even anything wrong with me. Truth be told, the worst bully I ever faced was my 8th grade history teacher. Bitch pretty much told me she didn't like me the first week of school and did whatever she could to try to make me miserable the entire year because she was a bible-beater and I wore heavy metal shirts. She fucked up my placement in high school history to where I got stuck in boring, retard classes with a bunch of trouble kids that helped make me even worse. Fuck all of that. Sheltering or not, I'm not putting my kids through that bullshit. Regardless of all that, I live in the ghetto anyways. If my son went to the local public school, he'd be one of 2-3 white kids in his class. I did a bankruptcy for a teacher from that school that told me one of her students would only drink from shot glasses because that's what he did at home. It's hard enough to keep your kids having good manners, habits, etc without subjecting them to that environment. I love my kids. I'm not the least bit interested in tossing them into a grinder so people don't think I'm sheltering them. They can figure out how shitty people are on down the road.
Pretty pissed right now... Grabbed a mt dew off the rack at meijers (20 oz) with the full intentions to pay for it after finishing my subway ( inside meijers) and a lose prevention guy sat down next. To me and stared me down the whole time I ate...I was in my work uniform... Like I'm some kind of thief...fucking faggots
People get to worked up about kids getting picked on these days. Yeah, it sucks, but today that girl learned a very important life lesson... People can be assholes. It's way better than letting them think everybody can be best friends and we can all get along with everybody if you just give everybody hugs. It's a nice idea, but its not the world that child actually lives in.
I wasn't bullied, but I was picked on enough from 1st through 8th grade to make my life a living hell. It ruined the early portion of my life. I'm actually at a disadvantage now because the shit I went through as a kid had me so fucked up emotionally by the time I was a 6th grader that I ended up behind in school and it took me busting heads from 8th to 10th grade on a regular basis for me to get people to stfu. There wasn't even anything wrong with me. Truth be told, the worst bully I ever faced was my 8th grade history teacher. Bitch pretty much told me she didn't like me the first week of school and did whatever she could to try to make me miserable the entire year because she was a bible-beater and I wore heavy metal shirts. She fucked up my placement in high school history to where I got stuck in boring, retard classes with a bunch of trouble kids that helped make me even worse. Fuck all of that. Sheltering or not, I'm not putting my kids through that bullshit. Regardless of all that, I live in the ghetto anyways. If my son went to the local public school, he'd be one of 2-3 white kids in his class. I did a bankruptcy for a teacher from that school that told me one of her students would only drink from shot glasses because that's what he did at home. It's hard enough to keep your kids having good manners, habits, etc without subjecting them to that environment. I love my kids. I'm not the least bit interested in tossing them into a grinder so people don't think I'm sheltering them. They can figure out how shitty people are on down the road.
I just want khaleesi to be strong but also not be a bully. But if some kid tells my kid to kill themselves and no one likes her then shit will go down. Not only with the fucking kid but his parents for teaching their kids to be pricks. Kids are sponges and absorb everything from their parents...I hope my baby grows to be a strong wonderful woman. So yes ill always defend my baby...imma be that mom.
my son starts tai chi next year. i have a friend who is an instructor at a school near here. he says he'll take him as a student at 5. he'll be more than able to defend himself down the road
You're right I shouldn't be laughing.
You're the one that should've committed the robbery of your own life. :-<
I'm over here like :-??
.or HROC whatever its called now. Usually they take care of anything that needs to be signed or whatever. Does your HR help you at all???? Sheesh. When I was HR I did my best to help out my team members. HR was my passion... now I'm GSTL and it sucks lol
>11-5am mon-fri
>no more shows