It was nice leaving my air conditioning off and not freezing my nads off, but alas my roommate has returned from his weekend with his family, and for some God forsaken reason he likes making the room cold as tits.
It was nice leaving my air conditioning off and not freezing my nads off, but alas my roommate has returned from his weekend with his family, and for some God forsaken reason he likes making the room cold as tits.
Like seriously: if I can see my breath outside in the morning, wtf is the air on?
If you are in bed, with a sweatshirt on, underneath your covers - why the fuck is the air on?
And I've been turning it off, and he gets out of bed to turn it back on. And I ask him "how are you warm? Im freezing my sack off". And he tells me he isnt warm. So why is the damn air on?
I get along fine with the dude, but this may be the one thing I may kill my roommate over.
I usually kept my room on campus cold as hell at any given opportunity because I live in arizona and the dorms are outrageously priced for their one time fees. so fuck the system.
If you are in bed, with a sweatshirt on, underneath your covers - why the fuck is the air on?
And I've been turning it off, and he gets out of bed to turn it back on. And I ask him "how are you warm? Im freezing my sack off". And he tells me he isnt warm. So why is the damn air on?
I get along fine with the dude, but this may be the one thing I may kill my roommate over.
Never had one argument when I lived on campus
But if my room was freezing every night I'd straight up murder peeps