I know a lot of people with a "crapper game" or something like it... I for one used to play Cartoon Wars, but now just come on here when I'm taking a slam.
Dude comes in with a tool hat on i say nice hat. We then have a little discussion about them, said he saw them with log. Have they even toured together?
So pissed. Chick comes in the subway with not enough money to pay because she thinks the steak is 5 bucks. Bitch get some meal too. Only have 7 dollars are you kidding me? I paid $4 fot her. Cunt didn't even say thanks. Wanted to run out of the store and just steal her jaw. Couldn't have been older than 14. Suck my cock.
And I sit and wipe, thanks =;
>throws phone
>loses back
Not sure though.