So pissed. Chick comes in the subway with not enough money to pay because she thinks the steak is 5 bucks. Bitch get some meal too. Only have 7 dollars are you kidding me? I paid $4 fot her. Cunt didn't even say thanks. Wanted to run out of the store and just steal her jaw. Couldn't have been older than 14. Suck my cock.
Dude comes in with a tool hat on i say nice hat. We then have a little discussion about them, said he saw them with log. Have they even toured together?
He said in KC in 04 i know for a fact thats when they toured with meshuggah :-< amd he was just like nah it was log
Dude comes in with a tool hat on i say nice hat. We then have a little discussion about them, said he saw them with log. Have they even toured together?
He said in KC in 04 i know for a fact thats when they toured with meshuggah :-< amd he was just like nah it was log
>likes tool >doesnt even remember the concert
>knows for a fact they toured with Meshuggah in '04 >it was really in '02 :-$ >Iowa jokes
He said 03 or 04. Knowing tool they only went to kc once in that stretch so it was probably 02. Suck my cock. This nigga prolly listens to ffdp and a7x and has no idea who meshuggah is. I coud see a "casual" fan mistaking them. And consiering he doesnt even know the opener.. find me some more tickets.
And looking at it shows they played no shows in 03 or 04. I know more about the tool show than the dude that saw it. Fake ass fan pissing me off.
And looking at it shows they played no shows in 03 or 04. I know more about the tool show than the dude that saw it. Fake ass fan pissing me off.
Motherfuckers need destroying.
Every time you hit him, say "Dont. You. Ever. Talk. Shit. About. Tool. Again."
Resting in peace.
You can't even pay a bitch $4 to be nice to you.
Your in the running for Simp of the Year
>likes tool
>doesnt even remember the concert
>it was really in '02 :-$
>Iowa jokes
Every time you hit him, say "Dont. You. Ever. Talk. Shit. About. Tool. Again."