I have to do a project relating record sales to illegal downloads of records, and I can't find any statistics for illegal downloads for specific bands... irritating.
DITD got a pretty pathetic reaponse I was the only one losing my shit. I really hope I get to see them again and in a headlining run because the crowd did their best to ruin that shit.
This dude on FB really irritates me with his posts sometimes.
His continuous political/religious rants are one thing.
Then there's things like: ">think of melody >start writing music >can't think of lyrics >#musicianproblems"
Like, ok. You go to a music school. Everyone experiences these things. Who are you trying to impress?
To vague science related re-posts. Like a picture of space that literally says "Scientists one step closer to finding things out", where he reposts it with "SCIENCE MOTHERFUCKERS!11! DO YOU SPEK IT!!!1!"
And now this: "Sitting in on a mixing session and writing a paper on it until 1 am tonight for a recording technology class. #belmontlife"... I'm in his class. That paper isn't due for a long time. He didn't need to stay up until 1 working on it.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
It really amazes me how stupid kids are these days. I feel like if I was a teen now, I really don't think I'd be documenting my criminal activities....
So check this out. Brian Holloway is an EX NFL linesman. Last weekend kids in the town where his NY home is broke in, had a 300+ person party, Stole everything, and spray painted all the walls. So Brian decided to put of this website to track all the kids as they post about their criminal activity. Fucking stupid. I mean they are dicks for doing in in the first place, but they are like "dude dude... get a picture of me as a smash this. or spray paint that. or steal this". Im glad these kids are this stupid... I hope Brian ruins their families with lawsuits.
Fucked up part? He hasnt even sued yet, however several of the parents of the kids involved are talking to lawyers about suing him because he is reposting their tweeter/facebook pictures of the shit they did. No wonder the kids are dicks. Asshole parents, asshole kids.
Either that or I have a major case of the shits.
It's getting painful to wipe now.
I hope this goes away soon.
Gonna go to the doctor soon.
>sees RA
>knocks bottle out of hand somehow
>sees other RA
His continuous political/religious rants are one thing.
Then there's things like:
">think of melody
>start writing music
>can't think of lyrics
Like, ok. You go to a music school. Everyone experiences these things. Who are you trying to impress?
To vague science related re-posts. Like a picture of space that literally says "Scientists one step closer to finding things out", where he reposts it with "SCIENCE MOTHERFUCKERS!11! DO YOU SPEK IT!!!1!"
And now this:
"Sitting in on a mixing session and writing a paper on it until 1 am tonight for a recording technology class. #belmontlife"... I'm in his class. That paper isn't due for a long time. He didn't need to stay up until 1 working on it.
So check this out. Brian Holloway is an EX NFL linesman. Last weekend kids in the town where his NY home is broke in, had a 300+ person party, Stole everything, and spray painted all the walls. So Brian decided to put of this website to track all the kids as they post about their criminal activity. Fucking stupid. I mean they are dicks for doing in in the first place, but they are like "dude dude... get a picture of me as a smash this. or spray paint that. or steal this". Im glad these kids are this stupid... I hope Brian ruins their families with lawsuits.
Fucked up part? He hasnt even sued yet, however several of the parents of the kids involved are talking to lawyers about suing him because he is reposting their tweeter/facebook pictures of the shit they did. No wonder the kids are dicks. Asshole parents, asshole kids.
shifters of blame