Want. "Damn that's a lot of money" So what. Want! "Like, a lot of money" Fuck it, make payments. "It's better to wait till spring" Bullshit, get trax and a plow too. "Its almost time for the new model year, wait dude." Meh, last years kicked ass too. "but if you wait, it might be even better" Want.
I was drunk playing this guy at fifa on ps3 and i forgot what shoot was and this nigga kept tellinfg me it was circle. Well abotut half way threw the game i figured out it was box. This nigga claims to be the god at fifa but he only beats me by two when i dont know what the shoot button is until halfway through the game. He only beat me 4-2 after i figured out. Ill get him. I jad a couple wide open shots where i clicked the wrong button because of him.
Jobe: Want. Wife: "Damn that's a shit ton of money" Jobe: So what. Want! Wife: "Like, a lot of shit ton of money" Jobe: Fuck it, make payments. Wife: "It's better to wait for a used one" Jobe: Bullshit!!! Get trax and a plow too. Wife: "Kids need new hockey gear." Jobe: Meh, last years pads and sticks still work. Wife: "Over my dead body" Jobe: \m/ Want \m/
Hockey gear set except for skates Wife signed off on new quad over a month ago Took less than 5 minutes lol 4 seater Maverick or GTFO.
*internal monologue*
"Damn that's a lot of money"
So what. Want!
"Like, a lot of money"
Fuck it, make payments.
"It's better to wait till spring"
Bullshit, get trax and a plow too.
"Its almost time for the new model year, wait dude."
Meh, last years kicked ass too.
"but if you wait, it might be even better"
Hockey gear set except for skates
Wife signed off on new quad over a month ago
Took less than 5 minutes lol
4 seater Maverick or GTFO.
Or the X-MR
Besides, after putting both pics next to each other, obvious choice is obvious.