You don't think Zimmerman could have fought Trayvon off without a weapon? Seriously...... I know you're not that stupid.
without further knowledge i would assume that he could but zimmerman had a busted nose and gashes in the back of his head so who knows. the only thing i don't know that i would like to know is if trayvon had any other wounds from the fight other than the gunshot wound because if he didn't it would seem pretty clear that he had the upper hand in the fight but who knows
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
I get the no evidence, no lock up thing. But I don't understand how people think it wasn't a race thing. Or justify the fact that Zimmerman shot a CHILD.
he was suspicious of martin because zimmerman's neighborhood kept getting robbed by black people that fit the description of trevyon and since zimmerman never saw him before he was suspicious. don't tell half the truth here. yes he profiled him but those were his reasons. and i agree that he shouldn't have followed him in the first place.
> black guy robs house > every black person is a suspect
not what i said. i said mutliple houses were robbed and that george didn't know trayvon because trayvon wasn't from that area. i doubt george would've been suspicious if it was a black guy he knew.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
I get the no evidence, no lock up thing. But I don't understand how people think it wasn't a race thing. Or justify the fact that Zimmerman shot a CHILD.
the media blew up the race thing. one of the news networks edited george's 911 call to make it sound racist. that info was just released like 10 minutes ago. i didn't know that part.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
i get the fact that george shot a 17 year old but it's just not a black and white issue when factors like self defense and key pieces of evidence come into play. i mean how can you convict someone for 10+ years based on the facts given. i understand people want justice for the killing of a kid but there's more to it then just one person killing another
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
I'm still baffled that I didn't hear about this story about the women getting 20 years for firing warning shots sooner. That just seems like a whole lot of fuck. FL fucking up.
This whole fucking forum is racist. I'm not saying Skully is, (Although he's in denial about this case, IMO.) but the majority of this board is racist as fuck.
It's funny, Casey Anthony wasn't guilty in court, but you didn't hear ANYBODY going "Well maybe she..." or "We don't know the full story." Or any excuses whatsoever. According to pretty much everyone not part of the Supreme Court, she was guilty as fuck and there was no denying it. Why? White. That's why.
Real shit though niggas will never get ahead in life. Not much has changed in the hundreds of years. This what Kanye was talking about, New Slaves. It just ain't right...
Real shit though niggas will never get ahead in life. Not much has changed in the hundreds of years. This what Kanye was talking about, New Slaves. It just ain't right...
Real shit though niggas will never get ahead in life. Not much has changed in the hundreds of years. This what Kanye was talking about, New Slaves. It just ain't right...
These people would like to respectfully disagree with you
And if Kanye was for the cause, he wouldn't have wifed a white slut. Fuck his opinion