Or rather, 1 of them quit, and then they fired their vocalist, which I going to be very bad for them because they ... forget it no one is gonna read this.
James, the guitarist just moved back to where he used to live, which is 90 minutes away, but in a couple days I'm going to call Josh about possibly doing vocals. He's the Hispanic guy screaming at the camera lol
Think I broke my hand. Was playing basketball, got pissed 'cause I couldn't make a shot, punched the metal support beam of the rim as hard as I could, and here we are.
Zimmerman proven Not Guilty really fucking grinds my gears.
Woukdnt be grinding to gears if the kid was white huh? [-(
Um, pretty sure I was on here bugging about the Casey Anthony trial as well. Kids being killed, and the murderer getting away with it is incredibly sad. I'm sad for Trayvons mom, mostly.
and to make it worse im watching HLN :-q