Honestly, I could give a fuck about the race thing. I know I'm in the minority (no pun intended) but thats the last thing that comes to my mind. It just baffles me that Zimmerman clearly instigated the altercation yet got no punishment. Wouldnt have mattered if it was a kid, adult, black, white, man, woman, whatever.
Yeah, i'd be equally pissed no matter what color the kid was. Kids are kids.
It worked like a charm with my grandparents. They were super racist before me and my cousins had mixed kids. They're really chill now. They actually really really love my cousin's son. They buy him all kinds of shit so he can pursue his football dream. If it wasn't for their help, he couldn't even afford shoes cuz my cousin is a junkie loser. They really stepped up for lil homie. It's a beautiful thing
It's funny, Casey Anthony wasn't guilty in court, but you didn't hear ANYBODY going "Well maybe she..." or "We don't know the full story." Or any excuses whatsoever. According to pretty much everyone not part of the Supreme Court, she was guilty as fuck and there was no denying it. Why? White. That's why.
how in the world can you make that comparison? completely different cases with completely different facts and evidence
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
they eye witness said that's what happened. the wounds on the back of george's head also corroborate that story so yeah i kind of believe it
You're so lowkey racist it isn't even fucking funny...
whatever. i don't hate on you for being black do i? i think you're cool and funny as hell. maybe not so much after that statement lol but because i followed the evidence and not let my feelings toward a kid being killed get the better of me i'm racist? i do the same shit in every other case i hear about. you have to remember how the law works. following the letter of the law there wasn't really any substantial evidence to convict george of a crime. and according to the law you have to prove beyone a REASONABLE DOUBT. it's funny that some people here keep saying "forget the race thing for a minute" but then they are the first ones to bring it up. in fact some people are saying shit like "forget the race thing for a minute. what if george was black and trayvon was white?" that's still a race thing. some people try so hard to be PC that it clouds their judgement. george isn't even 100% white. he's half hispanic.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Y'all need to get off that racial shit. The media baits people with it. The only reason you don't think this happens to white people is because you're not paying attention. I just posted a story a week or so ago on Facebook where some cops shot and killed a white dude. The media requires outrage to get ratings. That's why they trump up shit like this. And I'm not saying this isnt a gross injustice. It is. It's a terrible story and I feel bad for dudes parents. But the race baiting that's occurred because of it is nauseating. They always want ways to separate us and keep us mad at each other so we don't get together and take care of the real problem. And people just keep falling into that trap
If this was a black guy shooting a white child the verdict would have been different and you KNOW THAT.
Give me a break...do you even court tv? Blaming this on race is ridiculous...George was givin a trial with a jurors of his peers just like any black man would have...I love how people are so quick to pull the race card....rather then blame the actual people at fault...like oh idk the prosecuting attorney....or maybe the judge.... The jury did not let him go because he was white and the kid was black...that is not the type of thing that gets discussed in deliberations
And btw yall, this 'not guilty' verdict was only for the 2nd degree murder charge. It doesn't mean they don't believe he was in the wrong.
2 words
Give me a break...do you even court tv? Blaming this on race is ridiculous...George was givin a trial with a jurors of his peers just like any black man would have...I love how people are so quick to pull the race card....rather then blame the actual people at fault...like oh idk the prosecuting attorney....or maybe the judge.... The jury did not let him go because he was white and the kid was black...that is not the type of thing
that gets discussed in deliberations