The graders for my schoolwork can suck my dick. I got a D on an assignment 'cause it was free writing, and you're literally 'sposed to write without thought, just whatever comes to mind, and you just keep writing in a subconscious flow. So all I could think of was D. Rose, just wrote how he's a dope baller and shit.
I got a D because "Noticeable that this was thought out; too detailed.".
What the fucking fuck? I just know a lot about him and wrote what I knew as it came to me. Fuck deez niggas.
Yea keep being ignorant fatfuck. She has nothing to do wit any of it other than paying for it. She doesn't "teach" me at all, nor does she grade anything.
Yup. I hate this shit. I had to also free write "whatever I wanted to" about a thief from the story The Blue Cross, and no info was given about him, so the description for the assignment was "Freewrite about whatever comes to you, how he kept getting away from Valentin, what he may look like, etc., just keep writing.". This shit is so huff.
if my teacher gave me a joke of an assignment about 'free writing' i would end up just making it a fucking joke to illustrate what i think about the assignment.. id probably write about shitting or something
The graders for my schoolwork can suck my dick. I got a D on an assignment 'cause it was free writing, and you're literally 'sposed to write without thought, just whatever comes to mind, and you just keep writing in a subconscious flow. So all I could think of was D. Rose, just wrote how he's a dope baller and shit.
I got a D because "Noticeable that this was thought out; too detailed.".
What the fucking fuck? I just know a lot about him and wrote what I knew as it came to me. Fuck deez niggas.
Hey, be happy. I gave you 3 of my 4 eggs. [-(
I got a D because "Noticeable that this was thought out; too detailed.".
What the fucking fuck? I just know a lot about him and wrote what I knew as it came to me. Fuck deez niggas.
Yup. I hate this shit. I had to also free write "whatever I wanted to" about a thief from the story The Blue Cross, and no info was given about him, so the description for the assignment was "Freewrite about whatever comes to you, how he kept getting away from Valentin, what he may look like, etc., just keep writing.". This shit is so huff.