Srsly doe I need to just stick with it. Like I could have been under 200 by now but instead I'll work down to 215, jump up to 230 then back to 215 then back to 230. Fuck man.
eriklilfagz astonished that he got a D in comprehension on himz paper go figure... d00d youre blinded wif you self-worth, pride, and delusional at best
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Srsly doe I need to just stick with it. Like I could have been under 200 by now but instead I'll work down to 215, jump up to 230 then back to 215 then back to 230. Fuck man.
Keep at it Chuck, you'll get there. You just have to keep working at it.
Holy fuck if I could clone my 14 year old self and beat the ever living fuck out of him, I would. Was going through and deleting my old shit on Facebook, and in my notes, there was a survey thingy I did where you type in each letter of the alphabet and whoever the first person is that shows up, you answer 3 questions about them. My ex was one of 'em:
2) Worst thing about this person? Absolutely nothing. She's perfect.<3
Srsly doe I need to just stick with it. Like I could have been under 200 by now but instead I'll work down to 215, jump up to 230 then back to 215 then back to 230. Fuck man.
I'm the same way dude. I'll get all fired up and go hard for a few months then let laziness take over. It sucks. I was so close to the 200's now I'm back up to 320. Been walking alot recently, just gotta eat better and less.
Srsly doe I need to just stick with it. Like I could have been under 200 by now but instead I'll work down to 215, jump up to 230 then back to 215 then back to 230. Fuck man.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
2) Worst thing about this person?
Absolutely nothing. She's perfect.<3
farm was brutal today
my allergies are kicking my ass and my stomach hurts
cant wait to peel these clothes off and take a cold shower
glue glue container
glue boots