Ah, an earlier episode. Sam's fear of clowns makes the episode even better. But when that little girl let that clown n the house the first thing that went through my head was "that dumb bitch"
I've been watching it since it first aired. I used to keep up to date with all of the seasons on DVD but I'vefallen a bit behind the last few years. My favorite early episode was Asylum
Thing is with Doctor Who you cannot really understand everything until you've watched quite a few episodes. You can't explain it to anyone either. But once you get passed the weirdness and the extremely odd looking/asshole Daleks and so forth you're good to go. First episode I watched was back in 2008. Completely forgot about the show until it blew up on the net and ended up on Netflix. Then I fell in love with it and the 10th Doctor
If you want to know what the older Doctors were lile they have classic Doctor Who episodes too. But only 4-6 episodes a season. So you really only get to see one enemy a season instead of the multiple he comes across so it's kind of a bummer for me at least
They're still corny as fuck but def little assholes in suits. I nicknamed em little hitlers because they want to exterminate every living being except themselves
We are at the emergency vet. Our cat got very sick very fast to the point they don't think they can save him. He is going to have to be put down. I never thought I'd get this torn up when something like this happens
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!