I screwed up and looked up sex offenders in my area- after I bought my house.. Theres a sob across the street from me down the block. [-( There are alot of kids always playing in the nieghborhood, especially girls. I bet the other parents have no clue he was convicted of sexual assult of a 12 year old. If I catch him talking to some of these kids I'll probably go kick the shit outta him.
The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.
Oo my that reminded me of the little girl at my old apartment complex. She was creepy as fuck and I witnessed her attempting to murder a dog one day. Reported her to the apartment and animal control. I didn't see her outside very often after that and she was always with someone then. I think she had mental issues. She was 7-8
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
i wasnt at this dinner since i was home taking care of my dog and finishing up a paper my parents told me about it yesterday and were thankful i wasnt there for that my dad, my awesome brilliant logical dad, literally argued with him and gave him facts and examples and still the retard didnt wanna believe it
So a friend of mine is no longer single, and I'd like to congratulate her on it but I swear to fucking god I can't figure out the sex of her new partner. I must have looked at like 20 damn pics from his/her FB page and I still don't know ~X(
my parents told me about it yesterday and were thankful i wasnt there for that
my dad, my awesome brilliant logical dad, literally argued with him and gave him facts and examples and still the retard didnt wanna believe it
I think we all are, at least a little bit.
Anyways, I just figured out (s)he is trans. That explains a lot.