i said i wasnt gonna start Candy Crush Saga...i failed now im freaking out waiting 20 minutes for another life
send me a request and I will give you life
how do i do that?
click on the level to try to play and it'll give you the sad face no lives thing and then it'll give you a button to click to ask friends to send you lives and then it'll show up on mine and I can send you life. you need it to be linked with fb though.
oh and if you play on both your phone and fb, the the "life counts" are separate so if you use up all your lives on the fb app you can go to your phone app and continue playing.
omg ok ill sync it if i lose the lives on my fb app this getting rid of the jelly is annoying
i need to make sure i can get requests from other people though a while ago i had blocked them but i dont think its blocked anymore if you guys need lives or something, request me and ill see if i get it
this getting rid of the jelly is annoying
im literally stuck unless someone gives me one more ticket
basically like bejeweled but with candy and cute stuff
Hit him up :-bd
I delete all of my requests
a while ago i had blocked them but i dont think its blocked anymore
if you guys need lives or something, request me and ill see if i get it