Should have just beat the shit out of him yourself. Problem would have been solved but i guess if you guys like being snitches its on you. Im not even say i wouldnt call the cops, but because someone was trying to drunk fight, nah pussy shit.
I don't do well with drunk people. If someone around me was acting like what facefuck was saying he would have got beat down. There is no excuse for acting like that
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
There's no doubt the guy deserved a beatdown for the way he acted. But I wouldn't do it simply because you can be the one the law fucks in the ass instead
youre white trash ok
My nigga.
>says beat the shit out of him for acting like a dumbass
>dayna disagrees
>ape says it