He was drunk. People get in drunk fights all the time. And you had more people there against him.
We found out he's fucking wanted in another state, he has threatened my friend before, and has been nothing but an asshole for the month he lived there, if he goes to jail he's getting what he deserves.
Im just saying the dude was drunk and everyone does dumb shit when they are. Facefuck could have just got up and left.
Doesn't matter if you're drunk or not. No matter where you go if you become violent, get into a fight with others or anything of the sort two things happen. You tell the faggots to cut it out or the cops are going to be called and maybe they'll cut their bs out. But if they ignore it (and that usually happens) you call the cops zero fucks given. And claiming "oh it was play fighting" won't fly because anyone can tell the difference between play fighting and legit fighting
You never been drunk before obviously. Law didnt even have to be involved. Kick the guy out, move on with your life.
So because someone is drunk and they become violent and relentless about it, it's totally ok? Just kick em out like they were never there. Problem is they would have broke their way back in. Cops would have been called anyway.... unless according to you that's still not a good enough reason to call the cops.
i'm confused. why did the 2 douches want to kick johnny out of his own house?
When Terri first came back drunk, Johnny told her "You shouldn't be out driving around if you're drunk", which is true, he didn't yell it either, she just kinda shrugged it off, and apparently she told Danny that Johnny "disrespected" her, and so he was "given permission" to beat him.
Terri has always had that sort of "Jekyll & Hyde" personality, one day she's cool and hanging out, but the next day she's an obnoxious and irresponsible bitch, but she's never gone this far, Danny only moved in a month ago, but has been trying to get Terri to kick everyone else out,
just shut up
you literally have no idea between snitching and reporting something that needs to be reported
A) be drunk but dont act like a damn douche or
if he felt the police needed to be called, who are you to condemn him for it?
thats what the police are there for
get a life
Terri has always had that sort of "Jekyll & Hyde" personality, one day she's cool and hanging out, but the next day she's an obnoxious and irresponsible bitch, but she's never gone this far, Danny only moved in a month ago, but has been trying to get Terri to kick everyone else out,
But now Johnny, Jenny and Terry aren't living there anymore.
Jenny just texted me saying Danny and Terri went back to the house Lol, the cops are over there now.