Long story. Today was/is my last day here at home before I go back to school, and so as expected everyone wanted to hangout and do stuff today.
So I had planned to hang out with my one friend for a little bit, then go to my other friend's house (the girl I have a thing for) with some other friend's as well, and then be home by like 8:00/8:30 for dinner and spending time with my family before I leave.
So I was going about my business, and ended up spending extra time at the girl's house because I couldn't get myself to leave, (stupid heart/penis making me stay longer than planned), so I didn't end up getting home until like 10:00. Thus my parents and brother were disappointed in me.... Nothing hurts me more than disappointing my brother.
On top of that, I didn't even make a move on or express my interest in getting back together with my girl friend. Once again I pussed out. Which makes me mad at myself too... And I had some perfect opportunities to say something too, especially after playing my guitar for her there and showing her a bunch of interesting music, and staying with her alone for about an hour after our other friends left. She even came out to my car with me as I initially decided to leave and talked to me for like another half hour.... I hate that my brain and confidence issues interfere with my feelings.
oh thats a different story i get upset when i dont spend the full weekend when im home with my parents too just because im all they have and i enjoy spending time with them
the forces of nature dont want me to be happy at all today
omg thank you
>Posts it publicly, but pulls a Will and doesn't explain.
>People are naturally curious.
>"mind your own business"
So I had planned to hang out with my one friend for a little bit, then go to my other friend's house (the girl I have a thing for) with some other friend's as well, and then be home by like 8:00/8:30 for dinner and spending time with my family before I leave.
So I was going about my business, and ended up spending extra time at the girl's house because I couldn't get myself to leave, (stupid heart/penis making me stay longer than planned), so I didn't end up getting home until like 10:00. Thus my parents and brother were disappointed in me.... Nothing hurts me more than disappointing my brother.
On top of that, I didn't even make a move on or express my interest in getting back together with my girl friend. Once again I pussed out. Which makes me mad at myself too... And I had some perfect opportunities to say something too, especially after playing my guitar for her there and showing her a bunch of interesting music, and staying with her alone for about an hour after our other friends left. She even came out to my car with me as I initially decided to leave and talked to me for like another half hour.... I hate that my brain and confidence issues interfere with my feelings.
thats really sweet :x
i get upset when i dont spend the full weekend when im home with my parents too just because im all they have and i enjoy spending time with them
History has been made today