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Wrestling thread WWE & AEW



  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    NOCAP said:
    Holy shit that MJF promo
    That was either a real life shoot or an extremely well acted one. 2 things that make me think it was a shoot was A: He mentioned WWE by name. I don’t think they’re even really legally allowed to do that. Even all the times Cody and others would take shots, they would always say like “Those other guys”, but never directly WWE. B: They both cut off his mic and immediately blacked out the screen and went to commercial. Which also could have been planned, but still.

    Either way, dude is #1 on the mic out of any of the modern guys on either brand. There’s very few that make promos believable and he’s the main one that does.
    Both companies have name dropped each other a few times. It doesn't happen often because they don't want to push any buttons but it happens. I don't follow WWE so I don't know the guys name but I saw a clip of a guy doing a Q&A in the ring as part of a promo and at the end he said "you guys could've asked me anything. You could've asked me about AEW" 
    But yeah MJF is on another level with the promos. No one is even close to him
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    NOCAP said:
    Holy shit that MJF promo
    That was either a real life shoot or an extremely well acted one. 2 things that make me think it was a shoot was A: He mentioned WWE by name. I don’t think they’re even really legally allowed to do that. Even all the times Cody and others would take shots, they would always say like “Those other guys”, but never directly WWE. B: They both cut off his mic and immediately blacked out the screen and went to commercial. Which also could have been planned, but still.

    Either way, dude is #1 on the mic out of any of the modern guys on either brand. There’s very few that make promos believable and he’s the main one that does.
    It’s a work for sure. Seems like they wanted to do their own version of Punk’s pipebomb. Even Punk came out when they went to commercial and MJF left through the crowd. Take MJF off tv for like a month and say he’s suspended. Then he comes back and takes the belt from Punk. 

    HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I think CM Punk broke his foot on Wednesday when he jumped in the crowd. He's gonna be out for months after surgery and they're doing an Interim world championship.

    Literally not even a week after he won the belt 
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    Would be cool if they could be more clear about whether he was giving up the belt or not 😂
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    He’s not. He didn’t relinquish it and the new title holder will be entirely interim.

    Still fucking terrible tho smh.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited June 2022
    Wow HIAC card is absolute dogshit lmfao. Almost feel like selling my ticket but fuck it lemme go to this garbage right quick. 🤣🤣
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited June 2022
    Like literally, what the fuck happened?? The only 2 title matches are the United States and Raw Women’s. Main event and only actual HIAC match is Cody Vs. Seth for the THIRD TIME IN A ROW. Where the fuck is everybody at?? Roman is defending neither main title? Usos are defending neither tag team title? They literally jus slapped this bullshit together last minute smfh.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Rumors that Bray is coming back tonight tho. If he does Im’ma lose my fucking shit.
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    Totally forgot that was tonight 🤣
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Yall can prolly see me on the broadcast lmao.

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Anywhere from lower 100 to floor is the place to be for wrestling for sure. I only ever did nosebleeds for wrestling up until now and it’s night and day. Everything from concerts to other sports can all be enjoyed even up high, but I feel like spending the extra is almost a necessity for wrestling. I’ll definitely never go again if I can’t get good seats, I’ll tell you that much.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    I pretty much wont sit in the upper level if i can avoid it at this point. 
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies

    This man deserves the respect after wrestling with that torn pec. Gotdamn 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    My boy caught me on the broadcast. 🤣🤣

  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    Look bored as hell =))

    This man deserves the respect after wrestling with that torn pec. Gotdamn 
    I guess. Have fun being out 6-8 months now 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Look bored as hell =))
    Was in the middle of recording lmao I knew it was bout to be hella pyro, that was during Cody’s entrance.
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