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Wrestling thread WWE & AEW



    Ah yes, all the famous AEW to WWE transplants like Cody Rhodes and.......? 
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Just wait you’ll see. Give it a year or two. They already talking about FTR coming back. MJF wants to be paid more and I’m sure they got eyes on him and Wardlow. 

    Lmao FTR said until WWE can actually book a tag division they ain't coming back. No way Tony let's MJF go he'll throw the bag at him. Wardlow I could see cuz he fits Vince's mold.

    Of course some AEW people are gonna pop up in WWE eventually. But how many talented people have they let walk already to AEW? At least like 30 people. 
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    Lol, don't get me wrong, I like me some AEW. They're honestly a breath of fresh air and I'm glad they're around. Hope nothing but the best. 

    That being said, their online fanbase is the fucking worst and I'd laugh if they went bankrupt only because it would make a horde of internet neckbeards depressed. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Ah yes because the WWE nerds are really batting 1,000. 🧐🧐
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Seems like they’re finally starting the Drew Vs. Roman beef. Backlash is Drew and RK-Bro Vs. Roman and Usos in a triple threat tag team match, but I think it undoubtedly leads to Drew Vs. Roman for one of the 2 titles at Hell In A Cell, which I’m glad it would be a dope match-up in that case since I’ll be at that in person. Drew is literally the last one left on the roster that I said a while ago has any kind of realistic chance of taking the title off Roman. Brock and Seth were the other 2 and those ships already sailed. But the thing is, I think Drew possibly takes the WWE off Roman so that he doesn’t keep both and Drew gets it back, but in any scenario, Roman still keeps the Universal indefinitely smh.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    I honestly barely been caring about AEW wit all these collaborations. I don’t fucking care about these ROH guys. I don’t fucking care about these Impact guys. I don’t fucking care about these NJPW guys. That’s why I didn’t buy Forbidden Door tickets even tho it’s in Chicago cause I’m not gonna know half the mfs on the card and that has no appeal to me. And the occasional appearance here and there is fine, but they have become a regular part of the show. Why the fuck was the women’s ROH title the main event on Dynamite? Even wit Khan owning ROH now, it should be it’s own separate show. I been getting thru Dynamite episodes in like 15-20 minutes total cause it’s all getting fast forwarded. They’re quickly ruining the product.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited May 2022
    Like I get it, they’re a more “traditional/underground” type of brand and they’re trying harder to appeal to the hardcore marks, but nobody cares about these small fry brands or knows any of their wrestlers except for the sweatiest of neckbeards that do nothing but watch wrestling 7 days a week, and besides that, there’s no reason EVER that another brand, even if it’s another brand you own, should be taking up half or more of the namesake brand’s show, or even worse, taking the main event. Again, why is an ROH title the main event on an AEW show?? That’s like WWE randomly making the NXT title the main event on SmackDown. And that wouldn’t even be as bad since NXT is still WWE at least, but there’s mfs that don’t even watch it, so shit like that is stupid unless it’s only on a special occasion.

    And NOT ONLY THAT, but they did it twice in one fucking week because the Rampage main event was ROH vs. NJPW. So both AEW main events in the same week are not even AEW events….got it. AEW already has a roster over saturation problem and is struggling to get everybody TV time, and then you compound that by letting wrestlers from other brands steal main slots from YOUR roster. Sounds like a great idea. Surely a great way to keep people invested.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    So I shared the above 2 posts in an AEW group on FB and mfs are BIG mad lmaooo. I wasn’t even trolling I was dead ass serious but Goddamn these mfs are like the easiest target to troll if I really wanted to have fun wit it. 

    Man it ain’t jus WWE fans that are cringe, AEW can be jus as bad. Jus like WWE marks won’t admit that Vince puts out some horrible shit, AEW fans think Tony Khan is an absolute God that puts out a flawless product and never makes mistakes lmao.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Post got removed by admins. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Faggots.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Im’ma go on there after Hell In A Cell and say it shit all over any PPV AEW ever put out and Tony don’t have a prayer of putting together such a perfect program. 

    Mfs might actually commit that.
    I honestly barely been caring about AEW wit all these collaborations. I don’t fucking care about these ROH guys. I don’t fucking care about these Impact guys. I don’t fucking care about these NJPW guys. That’s why I didn’t buy Forbidden Door tickets even tho it’s in Chicago cause I’m not gonna know half the mfs on the card and that has no appeal to me. And the occasional appearance here and there is fine, but they have become a regular part of the show. Why the fuck was the women’s ROH title the main event on Dynamite? Even wit Khan owning ROH now, it should be it’s own separate show. I been getting thru Dynamite episodes in like 15-20 minutes total cause it’s all getting fast forwarded. They’re quickly ruining the product.
    Bruh who have they heavily featured from ROH that wasn't already in AEW? Mercedes Martinez and Jay Lethal have both been in AEW. Samoa Joe is fucking Somoa Joe.

    Any NJPW guys have been guest spots with no storyline, like Ishi wrestling Adam Cole to get into the Owen Hart tournament. That's ruining the product for you?

    I agree that ROH needs it's own show but Tony Khan just bought it, it's a holding pattern for now. 
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    edited May 2022
    Honestly Erik makes a good point. AEW to me just seems like it pushes out a lot of good matches, but with little to no story behind most of them. It's hard to care who to root for when they keep pumping out what is essentially a show dream booked by Reddit. 

    Also, I get that NJPW is world renowned, but it doesn't mean I know who any of these people are or really care. I already keep up with WWE and AEW, I'm not watching yet another promotion. The "Forbidden Door" doesn't mean anything when they already cross promote with these companies. I do wonder what kind of storyline progression is going to come from this PPV, cause right now it looks like it's the wrestling equivalent of a sitcom "Christmas special". 
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    AEW is fun but they cater too hard on marks that watch the indies. That’s why they always have the same people watching every week. They have a hard time telling stories that get you hooked. I think all of MJFs stuff has been good besides the Jericho shit he was involved in. He seems to be one of the few that actually knows how to get people invested in whatever program he’s in.  

    Hangman has been a terrible world champion and he leaves one week cause of Covid and comes back cutting heel promos with no reason as to why. As much as Omega’s run was annoying, he felt more like a champ than Hangman. 

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    I honestly barely been caring about AEW wit all these collaborations. I don’t fucking care about these ROH guys. I don’t fucking care about these Impact guys. I don’t fucking care about these NJPW guys. That’s why I didn’t buy Forbidden Door tickets even tho it’s in Chicago cause I’m not gonna know half the mfs on the card and that has no appeal to me. And the occasional appearance here and there is fine, but they have become a regular part of the show. Why the fuck was the women’s ROH title the main event on Dynamite? Even wit Khan owning ROH now, it should be it’s own separate show. I been getting thru Dynamite episodes in like 15-20 minutes total cause it’s all getting fast forwarded. They’re quickly ruining the product.
    Bruh who have they heavily featured from ROH that wasn't already in AEW? Mercedes Martinez and Jay Lethal have both been in AEW. Samoa Joe is fucking Somoa Joe.

    Any NJPW guys have been guest spots with no storyline, like Ishi wrestling Adam Cole to get into the Owen Hart tournament. That's ruining the product for you?

    I agree that ROH needs it's own show but Tony Khan just bought it, it's a holding pattern for now. 
    It’s not a matter of any individual wrestler, it’s that other brands are becoming more and more prominent by the week. Any guest wrestlers used to be jus that, guest wrestlers, so even tho I still skipped the matches, it didn’t really bother me. We are now at a point where it’s basically 50/50. The huge Indian guy from ROH has been one of their main storylines for fuck’s sake. Like I don’t give a flying fuck about any of those guys, I’m watching AEW for AEW guys.

    I said this when I was going back and forth wit the faggots on FB, and of course nobody could give me a real answer other than “EITHER ENJOY IT OR GO BACK TO WWE AND SUCK OFF VINCE MARK” but why is it that Double Or Nothing is coming up in less than 3 weeks, which is basically unofficially their “BIG ONE” like WrestleMania, and you have this huge so-called blockbuster match for the main title between Page and Punk, and the entire build-up has consisted of ONE whole promo so far, while ROH and NJPW have taken center stage? Cause like I said, both AEW main events this week featured ZERO AEW wrestlers. It’s becoming the focus and is no longer guest appearances and that shit is trash. If I wanted to see those guys week in and week out, then I woulda been watching their individual shows a long ass time ago.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited May 2022
    NOCAP said:
    AEW is fun but they cater too hard on marks that watch the indies. That’s why they always have the same people watching every week. They have a hard time telling stories that get you hooked. I think all of MJFs stuff has been good besides the Jericho shit he was involved in. He seems to be one of the few that actually knows how to get people invested in whatever program he’s in.  

    Hangman has been a terrible world champion and he leaves one week cause of Covid and comes back cutting heel promos with no reason as to why. As much as Omega’s run was annoying, he felt more like a champ than Hangman. 

    You said it all in your first sentence. Only people that this shit excites and applies to is sweaty marks who literally eat sleep and breath wrestling and watch wrestling 7 days a week. Cause beyond that, you’re letting mystery guests take over your primary show. And if you notice, NONE of these mfs ever get a big pop from the crowd because nobody knows who the fuck they are lmao. The only one I seen that did get a huge pop was Minoru Suzuki and to an extent, Jay Lethal. Beyond that, the reception has been lukewarm at best. Nobody cares for the most part. And I get that AEW is not necessarily trying to be big and Hollywood like WWE, but I’ll tell you one thing, they keep this shit up and they’re going to fade into complete underground status like all these brands they keep tryna showcase and will no longer be considered a threat or contender to WWE. They have homegrown talent like MJF that can be built into legitimate stars but instead they wanna now start focusing on these nobodies that stayed little league for their entire careers for a reason.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Their roster is super bloated right now. Most of the people that make it on tv are former WWE talent. No I’m not going to watch YouTube just to see some matches. People took a shit on WWE for releasing all of their talent but are they doing any better on the other channel? 

    Keith Lee got super fat and is now in a tag team wrestling on dark. Andrade got buried as soon as he stepped foot on Dynamite. Malakai Black hasn’t done anything since he squashed Cody. Buddy Matthews hasn’t had one single match on Dynamite and him and his group continue to feud with jobbers and death triangle for whatever reason. Ruby Soho jobbed to Jade then became a dark victim. Pac shows up every three months. The Hardy Boys…. Adam Cole has looked goofy and lost to a hug but because it was “lights out” he still got a title shot. I think Miro looked the best out of all of the ex WWE guys but he’s been MIA. 

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Holy shit. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I ain’t even being funny when I say this, I literally completely forgot about Miro until you mentioned him jus now. Goddamn that’s sad, they did completely bury him.

    You ain’t wrong tho about basically any of that. The way Ruby Soho was originally being pushed, I literally predicted that they were gonna give her the TBS title. I was half right since she made it to the final 2, but they buried her immediately after the loss.

    Keith Lee, idk about *got* super fat since he always been lmao, but yea he definitely got buried. Was double champion in NXT on his way out, everybody said he was the next big thing in WWE, now he got even further demoted in AEW.

    Andrade doesn’t surprise me because I jus never saw the appeal regardless. In ring he has talent but idk. I wasn’t surprised when he got released from WWE, and I’m not surprised AEW don’t know what to do wit him either. His stable he inherited from Matt Hardy definitely don’t fit him whatsoever either.

    Malakai Black is definitely the biggest disappointment because he’s still my favorite wrestler, and jus like WWE did when he got to the main roster, he’s being criminally underused. He was presented as a monster when he debuted and had that initial undefeated streak, then they abandoned that for House Of Black. Which was initially done PERFECTLY, made them look like this new monster stable that was bout to run shit….only to have them feud wit the fucking Varsity Blondes. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

    Some severe short term memory loss is going on and a lot of that has to do wit the fact that they are literally trying to force wrestlers that ain’t even on fucking AEW onto the screen time. Main primary roster is getting shit on in favor of no names that nobody asked for.
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