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Wrestling thread WWE & AEW



  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Dynamite coming to Chicago November 24th. 🤔 Might have to go.
    Dawg AEW is soooo much better than WWE its ridiculous. I've tried watching RAW and SmackDown the past few weeks and it's just fucking awful. Plus they hardly wrestle it seems like. It's like 90 minutes or promos and 30 minutes of wrestling. Which wouldnt be bad if the promos weren't watered down to shit.

    The booking is just fucking atrocious too. When I stopped watching back in the day is when Christian won the belt and got squashed 2 FUCKING DAYS Later to lose it. Looking back at the past decade its funny to see nothing has changed (Kofi, Fiend, and Bianca getting similar treatment)

    AEW gives the people what they want. Idk shit about Hangman Page but that crowd popped off when he entered the ladder match the other night. He's gonna go on to have an amazing match with Omega and probably win. If this was WWE he'd get squashed in 30 seconds. 
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    I can’t watch WWE anymore. I watch the PPVs because at least it’s some wrestling and not bad kids comedy. Only thing I’m interested in is Roman and they’re prob bout to kill it all in Saudi. 

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited October 2021
    Dawg AEW is soooo much better than WWE its ridiculous. I've tried watching RAW and SmackDown the past few weeks and it's just fucking awful. Plus they hardly wrestle it seems like. It's like 90 minutes or promos and 30 minutes of wrestling. Which wouldnt be bad if the promos weren't watered down to shit.

    The booking is just fucking atrocious too. When I stopped watching back in the day is when Christian won the belt and got squashed 2 FUCKING DAYS Later to lose it. Looking back at the past decade its funny to see nothing has changed (Kofi, Fiend, and Bianca getting similar treatment)

    AEW gives the people what they want. Idk shit about Hangman Page but that crowd popped off when he entered the ladder match the other night. He's gonna go on to have an amazing match with Omega and probably win. If this was WWE he'd get squashed in 30 seconds. 
    Yup. That’s why Bianca pissed me the fuck off when I don’t even watch or care about the female wrestling. It was a sad pathetic reminder that they literally refuse to learn from their mistakes cause it was Kofi all over again and Kofi had nothing but backlash. I’m thoroughly convinced that Vince literally lives and swears by being edgy and legitimately believes that controversy and pissing the fans off is what’s best for business and keeps fans coming back, in the hope that shit will be different instead. 

    Also, in case you missed it, the reason the crowd lost it over Page was because he was in the middle of a potential title run and had a title match scheduled wit Omega. Page went missing for whatever reason, prolly real life injury, and they did Christian Vs. Omega instead. So finally he’s back and the fans get the title match they actually wanted. There wasn’t much hype for Christian Cage.
    Suzuki vs Danielson was wild 
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    Goddamn i love Murder Grandpa 
    Bryan Danielson is on a fucking HOT streak right now. His match vs Omega, Suzuki last night, and Bobby Fish tonight were all absolute bangers. Might be the best wrestler right now. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Got damn one picture literally says it all. 

    It's such a cheap finish. 
    Also, CM Punk vs Matt Sydal on Rampage last Friday beat Sasha Banks vs Becky in the ratings, and Ruby Soho vs The Bunny beat Brock Lesnar's segment lmao. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited October 2021
    Wow Roman needed Usos to beat Brock. I can’t believe it. It’s almost as if there was literally no other possible way that match ended.

    Unbelievably garbage fucking title run and “wrestler”. Fuck this lame ass faggot.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Jim Ross has skin cancer. Fuck.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Had to double check but holy fuck these are real Tweets. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    I joined this FB group, it’s called like AEW Botchposting or some shit. Due to the original meme from it that made me join the group, I was under the impression that it was jus AEW/wrestling in general shitposting and memes, turns out they all hate AEW and it’s a WWE mark circle jerk. They legitimately believe WWE is the superior product, and do nothing but obsess over how “bad” AEW is in comparison. It’s actually insane to see. These people are fucking braindead.
    Reddit is the same way. There are people that just dick suck everything WWE does and it's blows my mind. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited October 2021
    Yea the WWE subreddit is almost unbearable. They’re all dickriding sheep too. Only a little over a year ago the whole sub hated Roman. Now you’ll get downvoted to death if you dare talk down on the tribal chief lmfao.
    Squaredcircle subreddit is the same way. It's like 50/50 but there are a ton of WWE dick riders. When I was watching WWE for a few weeks (I've since stopped) and it was just a boring as fuck episode of RAW i would read the post RAW thread and there'd be people saying "damn another killer episode" when literally nothing happened lmao. 

    And then people point out there was like 11 minutes of wrestling on that 2 hour episode of RAW and get downvoted into oblivion
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies

    Damn that sucks for ROH. Great talent over there but at least they are free to work anywhere they want at the end of the year. Cant wait for Danhausen to show up on AEW. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited October 2021
    LMAO Anybody see this shit about Greg Hamilton? Westside Gunn is a rapper who happens to be a big wrestling fan, he has numerous songs titled after wrestlers and wrestling related shit, and obviously also drops wrestling related bars. His newest project alone has songs titled “Brodie Lee”, “Eddie Kingston”, and “Survivor Series 95”.

    So fast forward to now, Greg Hamilton becomes aware that there’s a song where Gunn sampled one of his announcing segments. Idk on what song because I don’t listen to Gunn. So Hamilton flies off the handle and immediately makes a post along the lines of “I will get WWE’s lawyers on this and you will suffer to the fullest extent of the law. I will bleed you for every cent you have.” It came off extremely racist because of the way he went about it, because he also threw in a dig about his music like a bitch, saying nobody wants to hear his “Incoherent kindergarten fables”. Now again, I’m not a fan of Gunn, but his style of Hip Hop is that more old school sounding “Lyrical spiritual miracle” type Hip Hop, AKA the furthest thing from a mumble rapper. Hamilton jus saw a black rapper, didn’t listen to a second of it, and assumed he was a mumble rapper. Whole shit jus came off racist as fuck. Pile on top of that the fact that you wanna act like a complete bitch ass female over a small sample of your voice when your literal job is being a public voice for a very global audience. FOH.

    So what came of all this?? He fucked up his own bag and WWE straight fired his sorry ass LMAOOOOOOO. GTFO!!!!
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    WWE said “OUR lawyers???? Shiiiiid.”
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