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Wrestling thread WWE & AEW



  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,924 jayfacer
    Haven't fucked with it super heavy but I dig it so far
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    NOCAP said:
    NXT is by far the better product than AEW. I can’t get invested into AEW. Jericho is great but other than that the production is garbage. Women’s division is garbage. Tag matches are just a straight spot fest. The commentary is all over the place. I get it old heads like it cause it reminds them of 90’s WCW but that ain’t it dawg. 
    As far as your last point, I would say it’s actually the opposite. I feel like AEW is more “aware” of the fact that we’re in 2019 and aims more at a young adult audience. It doesn’t at all feel like something aimed at oldheads looking for a nostalgia fix. If anything that title goes to Powerrr, which is ridiculously fucking corny. But you look at shit like Luchasaurus and Orange Cassidy in AEW that are straight meme wrestlers aimed at a younger audience that’s actually gonna “get it”. 

    As far as the tag matches, you ain’t exactly wrong bout it being a spot fest, but at the same time that’s what’s made it fun to watch lmao. Private Party be doing some ridiculous shit that jus makes me rewind to see it again. Meanwhile I couldn’t care less about most of any WWE brand’s tag matches, they put me to sleep.

    Never did and never will give a fuck about women’s wrestling so that don’t phase me regardless of brand lmao.

    And then what do you mean when you say production? Cause if you’re referring to the actual presentation of everything and the technical shit, I would have to agree. The sound has been consistently all over the place and it does detract on a weekly basis. Sometimes the crowd is too loud, sometimes you can tell how deliberately they were turned down. Same wit the announcers and they have been so quiet sometimes that I literally couldn’t make out what they were saying. At first I excused it and chalked it up to growing pains since they were brand new, but after being on air for 9 weeks now, it’s getting less excusable by the week. Hiring efficient audio engineers wit the kind of money they throwing around is not a hard thing to do. This same issue affects their entrances every time too. They’re way too quiet and due to that they have no impact and nobody in AEW has a memorable entrance. I think what WWE does is they do a mix of the sound picked up from the camera in the actual arena, and also mix in the MP3 of the song into the TV feed so that it’s nice and loud. AEW does only the sound from the arena and it’s clear as day.

    Wit all of this said tho, of the 8 weeks I’ve watched since AEW started in October, AEW has been more entertaining than NXT to me 7 weeks out of 8, wit the one better NXT being last Wednesday. I really enjoy AEW and want them to succeed but they definitely have some things to work on.
  • balanced_void91balanced_void91 Posts: 2,782 balls deep
    I like AEW but I've been enjoying NXT much more.  I may be biased because I saw alot of the current NXT roster in the Chicago indy promotion AAW several times including Matt Riddle, Kieth Lee, Johnny Gargano, Ciampa, Cameron Grimes, Isaiah "Swerve" Scott, Candice LaRae etc so I've just been enjoying these particular wrestlers in the big leagues now.  Plus I personally like the commentary, in ring psychology, womens division and feuds a lot more in NXT.  That being said I love anything that has to do with Cody Rhodes, Jericho and Lucha Bros over on AEW.  
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    yeah I love NXT. AEW is all over the place but I dig the top guys there

  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    Lucha Bros need more wins and fucking merch for me to buy. 
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    I'm dreading going to AEW in Corpus. that town is a notorious for being a shit show when it comes to wrestling events and the crowd sucks <_>

    Going to the Rumble in Houston and maybe hit up NXT vs NXT UK on Saturday. 
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    Just bought tickets to a local indie show next month featuring Crime Time, Justin Credible, and New Jack. Should be interesting. 
    NOCAP said:
    NXT is by far the better product than AEW. I can’t get invested into AEW. Jericho is great but other than that the production is garbage. Women’s division is garbage. Tag matches are just a straight spot fest. The commentary is all over the place. I get it old heads like it cause it reminds them of 90’s WCW but that ain’t it dawg. 
    Haven't watched wrestling in a minute but has WWE's actual wrestling gotten any better? Back in the mid 2000s I remember them neutering the cruiserweights as far as what moves they could do and even some things like piledrivers and shit were cut back or banned. TNA was a shitshow back then but at least it was exciting with the X Division and guys like AJ Styles. 
  • balanced_void91balanced_void91 Posts: 2,782 balls deep
    NOCAP said:
    NXT is by far the better product than AEW. I can’t get invested into AEW. Jericho is great but other than that the production is garbage. Women’s division is garbage. Tag matches are just a straight spot fest. The commentary is all over the place. I get it old heads like it cause it reminds them of 90’s WCW but that ain’t it dawg. 
    Haven't watched wrestling in a minute but has WWE's actual wrestling gotten any better? Back in the mid 2000s I remember them neutering the cruiserweights as far as what moves they could do and even some things like piledrivers and shit were cut back or banned. TNA was a shitshow back then but at least it was exciting with the X Division and guys like AJ Styles. 
    Yeah dude they have a one hour show dedicated to cruiserweights called 205 Live.  About half of their wrasslers are in the cruiserweight to light heavyweight range.  The storylines are shit for the most part except for NXT but the in ring action is a lot more fun.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    NOCAP said:
    NXT is by far the better product than AEW. I can’t get invested into AEW. Jericho is great but other than that the production is garbage. Women’s division is garbage. Tag matches are just a straight spot fest. The commentary is all over the place. I get it old heads like it cause it reminds them of 90’s WCW but that ain’t it dawg. 
    Haven't watched wrestling in a minute but has WWE's actual wrestling gotten any better? Back in the mid 2000s I remember them neutering the cruiserweights as far as what moves they could do and even some things like piledrivers and shit were cut back or banned. TNA was a shitshow back then but at least it was exciting with the X Division and guys like AJ Styles. 
    Best time to get back into wrestling. The most talked about shows are NXT and AEW. I would say NXT has the best talent out of the WWE brands and it’s ran by Triple H so you don’t get any goofy storylines just good wrestling. The Fiend is the hottest WWE star and current champ although I feel his act will get stale soon. There is NWA Power that airs on YouTube, owned by Billy Corgan if you want an old school vibe to your wrestling. 

  • balanced_void91balanced_void91 Posts: 2,782 balls deep
    NWA Power is great. I plan on buying the FITE ppv to support it.  I'm more interested in that show than anything else.  MLW Fushion is another really cool free show on YouTube. 
  • balanced_void91balanced_void91 Posts: 2,782 balls deep
    Lately, Impact wrestling has been better than AEW booking and storyline wise but damn the crowd is always so dead it ruins the tv product
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    Let's go baaaybaaaay!
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Copped tickets for AEW Revolution today. 🤘🏻🤘🏻 Can’t fucking wait and I’m hoping it’s as good of a PPV as Full Gear was. Got good seats in the 3rd row of the 100 section directly facing the ramp and titantron.
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    Going to Rumble tomorrow,  Raw next day, and the  AEW again in February. 

    Hopefully Rumble is good 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Rumble was fantastic Goddamn.
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    Going to this shit on Friday
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    Rumble was fantastic Goddamn.
    I cancelled the network awhile ago cause my gf fucking hates this shit and I had kinda lost interest, but god damn I wish I had watched this one after reading about it.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Going to this shit on Friday
    Why does this look like a mixtape cover lmfao. And holy shit New Jack is still around? That mf shoulda been arrested a long time ago lmfao how is any promotion still giving him a chance. Him being affiliated immediately makes any promotion look grimy by default. Dude has literally pulled out a knife and stabbed opponents in the ring. Twice. 😐
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Rumble was fantastic Goddamn.
    I cancelled the network awhile ago cause my gf fucking hates this shit and I had kinda lost interest, but god damn I wish I had watched this one after reading about it.
    Yea greatest WWE PPV in a hot ass minute. The problem wit them lately is they’re essentially “jus okay” and on top of that feel anticlimactic and nothing more than an extended version of the weekly shows. This was not that at all and felt fucking cinematic and felt big and important, which is what every PPV should feel like. Great fucking show but they prolly won’t come anywhere close to that on any other PPV this year lmao.
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