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Five Albums That Changed Your Life



  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited August 2012
    Iron Maiden- Piece of Mind: First Maiden studio album I bought. Pretty much my first metal album

    The Ghost Inside- Returners: My friend showed inadvertently showed me this band because he was wearing a TGI hoodie. I fell in love with their music and the lyrics really spoke to me.

    Terror- The Damned, The Shamed: This was the first hardcore album I had ever heard. It's definitely not their best, but I consider this to be the beginning of for the genre.

    Weezer- Weezer (Blue Album): This album is perfect in every way and the Rivers' lyrics are amazing. I can just relate to pretty much everything he sings about. (hard to pick just one Weezer album)

    The Black Dahlia Murder- Nocturnal: My first exposure to extreme metal in 8th grade when my friend showed me them. 'Everything Went Black' got stuck in my head and it just got me into heavier music.

  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    edited August 2012

    minor threat - minor threat & death - human

    when i was in 7th grade, i was really, really into "the big 4". one day i'm at school with a megadeth shirt on and my friend nathan made a snide comment to me about dave mustaine being a poseur. it blew my 12 year old mind. at the time, mustaine *was* metal to me. so, i'm like "what the fuck are you listening to then?" and he hands me the cassette of 'human'. i listened to it on my walkman on the bus going home and it floored me. i'd never heard death metal before that time in any form. i called dude up later and ended up going to his house over the weekend. he had these 2 cousins that were about 5 years older than us. skater kids, old school. they were all into metal, punk, indie...pretty much all underground rock music and he had a stack of tapes they had made for him. he had all kinds of crazy shit that i'd never heard: death, morbid angel, deicide, christian death, the cure, minor threat, dead kennedys, gwar, kreator, carnivore, samhain, pixies, etc. i ended up staying at his house about half the summer between 7th and 8th grade (1992), soaking up as much music as i could from him and his cousins. the death and minor threat albums were my favorites. i remember my mom yelling at me in my room telling me to turn down minor threat and being like "but mom, listen to the lyrics. they're talking about how i shouldn't drink and smoke and stuff". that didn't impress her and she turned the breaker off to my room >:P anyways, my death phase led to my deicide phase, which led to cannibal corpse, then to carcass, so forth and so on. minor threat led me to suicidal tendencies, then to dk, then to black flag, etc.

    last, but not least...

    slayer - seasons in the abyss

    my dad raised me on hard rock and heavy metal, but most of the stuff that i gravitated to when i was really little was shit like van halen. by the late 80's, i'd moved up to listening to a couple of sabbath and led zeppelin tapes. so, my dad has this buddy at work that was in his late teens that listened to thrash and prog-metal. mostly anthrax and queensryche. my dad, trying to be cool, got me into anthrax. i actually used to have a pair of airwalk sneakers with the not man on them. so, he takes me to see the clash of the titans tour in '90 with slayer, megadeth, anthrax and alice in chains. at the time, i'd never heard slayer. i knew who they were because daytime talk shows like geraldo rivera were freaking out at the time about satanic cults and slayer was the poster child for that type of shit. seeing them live changed errthang for me. prior to my slayer indulgence, i was still kinda on the fence about metal since i listened to a lot of rap music and my older cousins kinda dissed metal. but after clash of the titans, i was sold. i got the cassette of 'seasons' with my next allowance. i remember taking the 'parental advisory' stickers off (which were brand new at the time) and sticking them on my school lunchbox. people were freaking out about lyrics at the time because of the judas priest thing and 2 live crew, so if you had albums that were stickered, the other 11 year olds were in awe of you. the next day, this black girl named rakeesha saw the stickers and asked what they came off of. so, i tell her that they came off my slayer cassette. she kinda recoiled and actually said to me "so, you're one of those devil worshippers?" i kinda laughed it off, but once it got around it completely changed how everyone treated me for the rest of my days in school. tbh, nobody paid attention to me almost at all before that. but afterward, i kinda had a rep and kids would split the halls to get out of my way. i got a big kick out of it. it's funny as shit to think of now.

  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    These are albums that I bought and listened too quite alot as well as opened doors to other genres and bands. One of which had blown my brain at the time

    Meshuggah - Nothing
    Blink 182 - Enema of the State
    Eminem - Marshall Mathers LP
    Tool - Lateralus
    Eiffel 65 - Europop

    Others that I listened to ust as much that had similar results but weren't as big of an influence on direction

    Mudvayne - The End of All Things to Come
    Cold - 13 Ways To Bleed On Stage
    Static X - Machine
    Slipknot - Iowa
    Godsmack - Awake
  • TigerTiger Posts: 2,116 balls deep
    Master of Puppets- Metallica, got me away from Hair Metal as a kid.

    Somewhere in Time- Iron Maiden, first cd I ever bought with my own money. (still got it)

    Randy Rhodes Tribute- Ozzy, got the cassette for Christmas when it came out. (brother has it)

    Eliminator- ZZ Top

    1984- Van Halen

    The last 2 are the first cassetes that I ever owned...

    The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.

  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies

    2) Death - Trapped In A Corne



    2) Death - Individual Thought Patterns lol
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    Quote fail
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers

    Pink Floyd - The Wall - Started my journey into classic rock and finding chill music. Lot of good pot smoking memories surround this album. PF is my favorite band, so this album is pretty important in that respect

    Metallica - Ride the Lightning - Was honestly the first metal album I ever heard and also the first metal band I ever saw. It also got me in trouble when I wrote the lyrics to Fade to Black on the back of my 7th grade earth science test.

    Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power - Was the album that get me into Pantera and saved me from the grunge era. Pantera is about the greatest band I ever saw live, and I am forever grateful I found this album.

    Tool - Undertow - dont really have a good reason for this other then I listened to it a lot and smoked a lot of pot to it, and it really just hit a cord with me.

    Death - Individual Thought Patterns - The album that really got me into death metal.

    After thinking on it some more, I think I would be lying if Nirvana Nevermind wasnt on this list. I want to not put it there because the whole album is made with 3 simple cords, but the truth is the album really changed my life. Being 16 years old in 1992, it was almost impossible to escape the allure of this album. It is where my head was at 16....

    And it should replace either Tool or Death on my previous list. Not sure which one. probably death but maybe tool
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Decided to add this to this thread. My all-time favorite album is without a doubt Roger Waters - The Pro's and Con's of hitchhiking. It actually makes me somewhat sad that so very few people realize and understand how incredible this album is. It's not just a good album, It's the one album that I would say is better than any other album ever created. I do not think anyone will ever make a better album.

    It's hard to really explain why it's so perfect. If I tried I would start with the whole concept of it. How it is this guys dream that is taking place in real time. Such that the first song is titled 4:30 AM because it takes place at 4:30AM, and it is 3 minutes long, and the next song is titled 4:33AM. But that's not what makes it great.... I'd next hit on Clapton's guitar playing on songs like Sexual revolution where the guitar isnt just carrying a tune but is telling the story. It's harmonizing with the lyrics and is as important to the songs as the actual singing is. But that's not what makes it great, but it's part of it. I'd then maybe try and say that the sound effects and background noises really enhance the experience and really put you in the characters mindset.... but no that's not it. Just another part of it.

    What really makes it great is the journey the character goes though. The sense of despair and loneliness he feels... It's this sense of identity and connection with society and reality of his place in this world. It's this feeling that every guy in their thirtys or fourtys goes through. And an appreciation of what the character feels and knowing that place. It's just simply a complete masterpiece.

     I really wish I could explain it better. This album is very special to me. It's my all time favorite album and nothing will probably ever replace it.

  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    1. Piece of Mind-Iron Maiden-First real metal album I actually got into that allowed me to branch out into bands outside of the realm of Disturbed, SOAD and Slipknot which was literally the only bands I used to listen to

    2. Seasons in the Abyss-Slayer-Paved the way for me getting into harder shit. I used to write off everything harder or faster as screamo before digging into this. 

    3. Paranoid-Black Sabbath-Probably the reason I wanted to be in a band and started writing. These guys made a classic that still holds up being drugged out and in no time at all. But the writing on this album is superb. Really inspired shit. 

    4. Far Beyond Driven-Pantera. The reason I picked up a musical instrument and wanted to learn to play anything. 

    5. Disintegration-The Cure. Its not metal like everything else on my list, but this album is one of a kind to me. Just a unique experience from the first second to the closing. Perfection. 
    1. Metallica - And Justice For All. First Album I ever bought myself
    2. System Of A Down - Toxicity. My first metal album ever, along with
    3. Iron Maiden - Powerslave
    4. Slipknot - Iowa. This album was a gateway for me to check out metal with heavier vocals
    5. Killswitch Engage - Alive Or Just Breathing.
    Checks out \m/
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    1. Megadeth- Countdown to Extinction. Album/band that got me into metal 2. Slipknot- s/t. Got me into heavier stuff. One of my alltime fav bands/albums 3. Trivium- Ascendancy. Started me screaming. Matt Heafy is still one of my vocal influences 4. Pantera- Vulgar Display of Power 5. All That Remains- This Darkened Heart
    I was a fag
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    edited February 2015
    I will take this as literal as possible and go with 5 albums that to this point have had impacts on the my life

    Smashmouth - AstroLounge. First album I ever owned. 
    50 Cent - The Massacre. I thought I was to be ghetto. 
    Avenged Sevenfold - City of Evil. "Nah man I like rock." Led me to OG Mayhem which led me to actual metal. 
    Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon. "Oh man I gotta respect the classics."
    Tame Impala - Lonerism. I'd been slowly fading out of metal and into just different types of indie/rock for awhile and seeing these guys high off my ass moreso than Lonerism just closed the chapter of metal ruling all for me 

    image Photobucket
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    slap said:
    1. Metallica - ...And Justice For All First metal album I ever listened to. Pretty much the first time I ever heard heavy music. Kick-started my real interest in music. 2. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication This album got me interested in playing bass. Flea's infectious playing and badass tone really caught my attention and I wanted to replicate that. 3. Mastodon - Leviathan My favorite album of all time. This album is what got me start exploring more underground music and to start using the internet to discover music as opposed to the radio and friends. Also, this album just encompasses what a great metal record should be. 4. Between the Buried and Me - Colors_Live The only reason it's Colors_Live is because it was between the live CD/DVD and the traditional album and Colors_Live was just another dollar so I thought I got more bang for my buck. This album is what jump started my interest in progressive music as whole. Not just progressive metal, but all from of prog, (so prog rock too...). 5. Sleep's Holy Mountain Defined my definition of what heavy really is. Not stupid drop A chugga-chugga breakdowns, but badass, slow riffs that groove and seep into your brain. Not the most lavish and detailed summations, but there you go.
    P much still same, but I'd swap colors out for My Bloody Valentine - loveless 
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    1. The Heart of Saturday Night - Tom Waits - Though it might not be his best album, this album changed everything i knew about music. It was like the first time i read Bukowski, just completely different from anything else I ever heard. I found an old record player in my house and decided to hook it up. The first album I played was this one and it completely took me away. To me there is two types of music fans, Tom Waits fans and and people who havent heard tom waits yet, and i dont really care to much for the latter.... 2.American Recordings - Johnny Cash -My dad bought this cassette before a big road trip and it was the first time I actually felt the music. Every song goes right down to your core and although the album is full of almost all covers, JC definitely makes the songs his own... 3.The freewheelin' Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan - There is nothing to say about Bob Dylan that hasnt already been said, but when I first gave this album a chance it showed me how important the lyrical side to music really is. Since this album, I have always been more lyrically focused in music and I dont think thats changing anytime soon... 4.The Doors - The Doors - Once I heard the song "The End" for the first time I knew that my interpretation of what a song was is now forever different. This album was the first album to take me to another place... 5.NOLA - Down - Still my favorite metal album to date, this cd is filled with everything I love in a band. Th southern style it has mixed with a hard rock/metal sound to me is just the perfect combination. I personally love the culture and traditions of the City of New Orleans and this album just completely encompasses the contemporary view of that culture. I know some might laugh, but I just feel that Phil Anselmo understands what music is about and what it should be used for. Sometimes just by the way people talk you can sense that they "get it" in a way, and thats how I feel with Phil..... 6.Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen - Fuck it I need six because this album needs to be added. Coming from a family of die hard bruce fans, this album was inevitable, but it doesnt change how important it was. I feel there is two forms of Bruce and its sad that people only focus on the weaker form. His stronger form, when he was younger, showed how he was one of the greatest songwriters of his time, greatest showsman of his time, and flat out one of the greatest artists of his time. Though all three of his first albums are amazing, this one is the real reason im proud to say im a bruce fan... im suprised nobody said the beatles yet....i couldnt think of one beatles album that changed my life lol, ive been listening to them since i was 6. how does ur life change as a 6 year old lol
    Brofist 2010 me for not embarrassing myself
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    1. Megadeth- Countdown to Extinction. Album/band that got me into metal 2. Slipknot- s/t. Got me into heavier stuff. One of my alltime fav bands/albums 3. Trivium- Ascendancy. Started me screaming. Matt Heafy is still one of my vocal influences 4. Pantera- Vulgar Display of Power 5. All That Remains- This Darkened Heart
    I was a fag
    Would be more something like

    Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain
    Devin Townsend Project - Deconstruction
    Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction
    Dethklok - Dethalbum II
    Amon Amarth - With Oden on Our Side

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  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Also I remember that strat liked some gay ass shit and all the newbs just sucking his dick over his trvness lmao
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,803 spicy boy
    Ashes of the wake
    Wish you were here
    Crack the Skye
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