im hoping to hit up SFNE for fright fest in october bearing i still have some connections from when i worked there..usually i can still get a hook up for free tickets but idk who works there still... i love fright fest go every year
The atmosphere in the parks when they are doing all the halloween shit is awesome. I love pulling up to the park A little before dark and seeing all the fog surrounding it from the machines
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
ill never go back to Fright Fest at SFGA its a joke the ghouls slack off and cant scare anyone because stupid little children blow those damn whistles to tell people not to scare them dont bring your small children to an event like that and take the fun out of it for everyone they cant even chase or touch you now which is retarded
Kings islands is cool for the most part I think for most the kids have to be 13 and one of them was 17+ the first year called club blood and it was a strip bar deal but they have the girls a little more clothed now so it's not 17+ still pretty cool though. I've never been to a six flags one but I've loved every year of the kings island ones
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
ill never go back to Fright Fest at SFGA its a joke the ghouls slack off and cant scare anyone because stupid little children blow those damn whistles to tell people not to scare them dont bring your small children to an event like that and take the fun out of it for everyone they cant even chase or touch you now which is retarded
I hope to hit up Fright Fest this year as well. I haven't done it in a long time and now that I have re-invigorated my amusement park urge, I just may go. My kids have been bugging me to go too. They are little scare chasers
There's an off-chance I'll be visiting San Antonio this summer. And I say that because I've been meaning to since last year to visit my cousin and his wife, and next summer is all booked up.
A little before dark and seeing all the fog surrounding it from the machines
its a joke
the ghouls slack off and cant scare anyone because stupid little children blow those damn whistles to tell people not to scare them
dont bring your small children to an event like that and take the fun out of it for everyone
they cant even chase or touch you now which is retarded
I haven't been there since right before 7th grade, I believe.!/photo.php?fbid=10151193521288639&set=a.10151125800078639.441459.48452768638&type=1&theater
And go to schlitterbahn alex