The worst thing about Daredevil was that aside from Affleck, it was casted very well. Made it more frustrating when it fell apart. The Hulk movies were in the same vein. The Punisher was actually on the other end of the spectrum. Thomas Jane would've made a better Green Lantern and Travolta is about as weak a heavy as you can get
Also, the Fantastic Four movies are by far the worst.
The worst thing about Daredevil was that aside from Affleck, it was casted very well. Made it more frustrating when it fell apart. The Hulk movies were in the same vein. The Punisher was actually on the other end of the spectrum. Thomas Jane would've made a better Green Lantern and Travolta is about as weak a heavy as you can get
Also, the Fantastic Four movies are by far the worst.
Yeah, they're awful. But neither attempt was casted well, so when they sucked it wasn't a huge surprise. With Hulk, you had one attempt with Sam Elliot and Jennifer Connelly, the other with William Hurt and Liv Tyler. Both fell short of their promise. With Daredevil, I liked the idea of Colin Farrell as Bullseye and Michael Clark Duncan as Kingpin. The movie was an abortion though
Thank you based Ryan Reynolds for playing thr perfect Deadpool and just making the whole movie hilarious. Was laughing in almost evey scene and the whole scene with him and Blind Al on the couch killed me )
Then again, Im the only comic nerd who hasnt seen a lot of comic movies/TV...
Also, the Fantastic Four movies are by far the worst.
Who the fuck is Mix?