Leto could be spot on in the role and I still wouldn't give a flying fuck about it. They ruined both Harley and Jokers looks. Straight up look like a wannabe juggalo pimp with prison tats and a wannabe monster high doll with prison tats.
I also have zero interest in this Batman vs Superman shit
Leto could be spot on in the role and I still wouldn't give a flying fuck about it. They ruined both Harley and Jokers looks. Straight up look like a wannabe juggalo pimp with prison tats and a wannabe monster high doll with prison tats.
I also have zero interest in this Batman vs Superman shit
robbie is going to be the perfect Harley. looks just like her
Leto could be spot on in the role and I still wouldn't give a flying fuck about it. They ruined both Harley and Jokers looks. Straight up look like a wannabe juggalo pimp with prison tats and a wannabe monster high doll with prison tats.
I also have zero interest in this Batman vs Superman shit
robbie is going to be the perfect Harley. looks just like her
Take those tattoos away, the shitty HS "daddy's little monster" and Joker jacket bs, the half-assed runny makeup, and the cotton candy hair...sure she'd look just like her
Wow i was hoping Eisenberg was gonna pull some Bryan Cranston shit and surprise us with his acting chops. Lolnope Lex Luthor is the same annoying kid from Zombieland.
Leto could be spot on in the role and I still wouldn't give a flying fuck about it. They ruined both Harley and Jokers looks. Straight up look like a wannabe juggalo pimp with prison tats and a wannabe monster high doll with prison tats.
I also have zero interest in this Batman vs Superman shit
robbie is going to be the perfect Harley. looks just like her
Take those tattoos away, the shitty HS "daddy's little monster" and Joker jacket bs, the half-assed runny makeup, and the cotton candy hair...sure she'd look just like her
Wow i was hoping Eisenberg was gonna pull some Bryan Cranston shit and surprise us with his acting chops. Lolnope Lex Luthor is the same annoying kid from Zombieland.
I remember everyone hating the Ledger Joker before TDK came out and that turned out well. I'll give it a shot
Weren't they bitching they thought he'd do a shitty job? Most people complaining this time around are based solely on the characters looks. I think Leto could pull the Joker off well but I want to cut my eyes out with a spoon every time I have to see him along with Harley
This doesn't surprise me, and I normally wouldn't have issue with it. But given the rest of what they've announced and revealed for the new movies, they are relying WAY too much on fan service and nostalgia appeal. They are too afraid to branch away from the original trilogy, and it worries me. They should focus on doing new and original things, instead of trying too hard to appeal to orig trig fanboys.
I also have zero interest in this Batman vs Superman shit
scorsese is doing a biopic on H.H.Holmes with Leo as the leading role
fuck \mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm/
Fucking kill yourselves DC.
Leto is looking to be an actual psychopath Joker like he should have been.
I was happy \m/ probably cause I like him and my favorite movie of his is still A Knight's Tale.
New 52