Thats not a high set bar though. Compared to the 2003 cartoon, 2007 movie, current cartoon, current comic, original comic, and original movies though, they should have tried harder. Obviously this is going off of trailers and news for it, but it looks crappy.
Some people are actually interested in it. It does have a niche. But its not the comic book fan/ TMNT fan crowd.
Thats not a high set bar though. Compared to the 2003 cartoon, 2007 movie, current cartoon, current comic, original comic, and original movies though, they should have tried harder. Obviously this is going off of trailers and news for it, but it looks crappy.
Some people are actually interested in it. It does have a niche. But its not the comic book fan/ TMNT fan crowd.
Come on dude, its a Michael Bay project. Do you really expect it to give a fuck about source materiel and/or appealing to actual fans. He just wants cash and since they got a new show and shit, he figured "Why Not?"
Thats not a high set bar though. Compared to the 2003 cartoon, 2007 movie, current cartoon, current comic, original comic, and original movies though, they should have tried harder. Obviously this is going off of trailers and news for it, but it looks crappy.
Some people are actually interested in it. It does have a niche. But its not the comic book fan/ TMNT fan crowd.
Come on dude, its a Michael Bay project. Do you really expect it to give a fuck about source materiel and/or appealing to actual fans. He just wants cash and since they got a new show and shit, he figured "Why Not?"
Thus shitty. I hope it bombs so we can move past the disgrace it will be and hopefully someday get a proper movie.
GOTG was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn good. Lived up to all the hype and more. This was the perfect cast to play the Guardians and Pratt killed it as Star Lord. Loved every single moment of this movie and the after after credits scene ) ) ) ) )
Groot stole the movie for sure though. Whole theater loved him.
Dude Guardians just straight up shut down half the fuckin recent Marvel movies. Guardians >Cap 2, Iron Man 3, Thor 2 etc. After credit was goddamn genius )
I'll rent it on redbox out of curiosity, but no way i'm seeing it in theaters
Guardians was great! Really fun movie.
Come on dude, its a Michael Bay project. Do you really expect it to give a fuck about source materiel and/or appealing to actual fans. He just wants cash and since they got a new show and shit, he figured "Why Not?"
FUCK! Everyone keeps saying Guardians is amazing. Tomorrow :!! :!! :!! :!! :!!
Thus shitty. I hope it bombs so we can move past the disgrace it will be and hopefully someday get a proper movie.
GOTG was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn good. Lived up to all the hype and more. This was the perfect cast to play the Guardians and Pratt killed it as Star Lord. Loved every single moment of this movie and the after after credits scene
Groot stole the movie for sure though. Whole theater loved him.
seeing Guardians in like an hour. GET HYPE
Guardians was awesome \m/ Everyone did an awesome job and that post credits scene
still haven't watched capt 2...been meaning to
Might go see guardians today idk. Am kinda bored
I still need to see Cap 2 and X-Men