Seeing film with a bunch of teenagers >>>>>> Seeing film with old people
aren't you like 20? fucking pedo )
But you do the same thing, so what does that make you?
Naw. My niggs old enough to drink a beer and buy cigs. They don't need me to do that for them like yourz )
See thats the last thing I need, a bunch of drunk teens in the theater when I'm on a date with my wife. I pay $22 for the two of us, I want to enjoy the movie peacefully.
Seeing film with a bunch of teenagers >>>>>> Seeing film with old people
aren't you like 20? fucking pedo )
But you do the same thing, so what does that make you?
Naw. My niggs old enough to drink a beer and buy cigs. They don't need me to do that for them like yourz )
See thats the last thing I need, a bunch of drunk teens in the theater when I'm on a date with my wife. I pay $22 for the two of us, I want to enjoy the movie peacefully.
sometimes i go on the weekend mornings like 10-11am.... i dont care if the theaters packed, i just wont go see a movie like american pie on opening night. I just like going to the movies and i usually sit in the back cause i cant stand people talking behind me. i havent had problems at the theater in a long time.
I spend good money on that shit. I want to stab and rape people who even whisper during a movie.