I like to think I'm more of a vet with that tour than anyone here and he is right I am not going if a free ticket comes my way I may go and go into work late but this year is the worst line up they have ever had. They are missing a key ingredient and that's the punk side of things. Its really sad.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
FUCK YEAH! My work gave me off the night of Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They told me I could put in the request, but doubt they would give me off since I am new at that location, but they gave me a day shift!!! FUCK YEAH! \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
Enjoy it. I knocked over one of the Harry potter stand ups the other day when I went to see a movie. It got in my way. I would of picked it up but then I realized what it was
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Life just keeps getting better. Had a talk with my Cousin, and he said he's been repping the fuck out of my flows, showing everyone, and everyone has loved my shit, especially my Sandwitches flow, he was like "You have fans already, they want to hear more from you.". Said a bunch of other stuff that made me feel great, but that was the main part that just put the biggest fucking smile on my face.
Analog was way better, but this is chill as fuck.
This is such a deep and amazing song. I relate to it completely. Almost brings a tear to my eye.
That look she gave me every time she was "mad" at me, it made want to be in trouble.
:-)) :-)) :-))
Her little daughter is so adorable too, it makes me wonder where she gets it from o_O