I always used to fuck around where you meet Zelda and learn the song. I got bombs thrown at me and checked out the Mario paintings on the walls through the windows lol
Just beat Ocarina Of Time 3D. Wow, such an amazing game. Ganondorf and Ganon were WAYYYY too easy though, I was expecting to be raging and ready to throw my 3DS against the wall lolz.
Just got the master sword n filled up my top row of hearts. it would be hard if you were like 10 n the changes made to the 3ds version made it a tad bit easier. Oh and Song of Storms > awl.
EDIT: you should play master quest. everything is mirrored n enemies do double the damage
OH MY GOD FUCKING SWAG. Hodgy was born in Chicago. I didn't even know that, I thought all of OFWGKTA except for Frank were from California. I feel so fucking proud right now, yet some more amazing Hip Hop talent from the Chi. B-)
it would be hard if you were like 10 n the changes made to the 3ds version made it a tad bit easier.
Oh and Song of Storms > awl.
EDIT: you should play master quest.
everything is mirrored n enemies do double the damage
God damn it's so good.
EDIT: i promise i wont hit on dayna at all while we're there lol