I'm not sure. How big was the venue where you saw them? Did the choir take a lot of space?
They played...this stage.
It's in a library, haha. The Body had everything set up on the right corner of the stage, probably about a 5-7 foot space...actually probably a bit less. The choir took up the rest.
Ahh yeah, then that's not what they normally do. I'm guessing they just use samples for the choir parts normally. This sounds pretty elaborate. Who were they playing with?
Ahh yeah, then that's not what they normally do. I'm guessing they just use samples for the choir parts normally. This sounds pretty elaborate. Who were they playing with?
Ahh yeah, then that's not what they normally do. I'm guessing they just use samples for the choir parts normally. This sounds pretty elaborate. Who were they playing with?
I'll jump on the revision train, but only for a quick top 15.
GIAA moved up 15 slots.... o.O
I hit the wall with Anathema about 4 months ago....I was listening to it for the billionth time, and I literally said "fuck this shit" and haven't played it since....
d00d, it's a gorgeous album, you should go back to it.
I d-loaded it as soon as it leaked last year, and played the fuck out of it....it got cheesy, for some reason.....I'll get back to it this summer at some point...
It's in a library, haha. The Body had everything set up on the right corner of the stage, probably about a 5-7 foot space...actually probably a bit less. The choir took up the rest.
Interesting, but I was hoping there'd be some guitar in there.