How tf do all of you have so much time to beat so many games? Let alone time to PLAY them?
I got into a pretty terrible car accident in early February. I’m still not cleared to go back to work lmao
fuuuuck sorry dude
All good. I generally barely have time for games so it’s been nice going back through some classics while I’ve been injured. Crash Bandicoot Trilogy, Uncharted 1-4, Jak & Daxter trilogy so far. Working on Sly now
Sly 3 still holds up. Excellent game. Couple of worlds into 4. Going on 12 years of wondering why people hate this one so much. It looks like Sly, feels like Sly, sounds like Sly and plays like Sly. I love it
Man, the more I see of The Dark Ages, the less hyped I get. They really made a slow, simpler, more casual Doom game with parry focused combat as a follow up to Eternal
fuuuuck sorry dude
he’s not ass at games and can beat them quick
he doesn’t have a gf that sucks the life and money from him and he’s happy
They really made a slow, simpler, more casual Doom game with parry focused combat as a follow up to Eternal