Never forget the time I drove all the way to Charlotte on 7 g’s of peyote to see Tool only for them to cancel the show as soon as I pulled up. Stopped at a Cracker Barrel on the way back to grab some food and the whole place was full of sad tool fans. Then I got refunded half of the ticket cost (and not the fees so maybe like 35-40% of what I actually paid).
There’s a town called Morrisville about 15 minutes from me that they’ve completely taken over. The main road that runs through it has two Indian temples so whenever they all congregate in the same place to worship their cow god or whatever tf, all the whites know to avoid that part of town like the fuckin plague.
I think my rehearsal studio job boss is in Japan right now
And one of my friends who isnt even into Japanese shit is going this year with his wife and stepson.
And me and my actual weeb ass Japan fetish friends cant go cuz we're all poor
These mother fuckers aint even gonna fully enjoy it. My friend's talking about going to fucking Disneyland when he's there. He should be going to a soapland.
It must be the peyote
Terrible to work with.
Second only to old asain lady's. Which NC has a ton of as well.
Most of them buy newer houses and we always marketed to new houses or new roofs lol.
I thought it was pretty funny to hear people in Raleigh refer to Fayetteville as fayetnam lmao
And one of my friends who isnt even into Japanese shit is going this year with his wife and stepson.
And me and my actual weeb ass Japan fetish friends cant go cuz we're all poor
These mother fuckers aint even gonna fully enjoy it. My friend's talking about going to fucking Disneyland when he's there. He should be going to a soapland.