Figured I would jus give this it's own thread since I'm sending the album to a bunch of yall lol.

ALBUM IS NOW LIVE! includes links for Apple Music, SoundCloud, Spotify, Tidal, and YouTube.
It is also, as far as I know, on YouTube Music, (Confirmed by Julian, if yall remember him), Instagram, (Confirmed by myself) Amazon Music, Google Play, TikTok, etc., although I do not currently have links for those.
Rap Genius link for all lyrics:*Disclaimer: Will remove this when it doesn't apply, but there were a few kinks wit the upload. There were a few "typos" on Apple Music. Nothing is misspelled, but for instance, "L0 - L1f3" is sposed to be "L0-L1F3" and completely capitalized. This is not a problem on Spotify and Tidal tho, it's perfect on both of those.
On all 3 however, the "Episode" on the album page currently links to another mf named Episode when you click on it, and lists my album as his. So I need to get that sorted out and separated. If anyone planned on copping on iTunes, hold off on that, because it currently lists my album as his, and would most likely pay him for MY album if you currently buy it.*
As far as that last part, lyrics were supposed to be attached to Apple Music at the least, but idk what happened as far as that smh. That's why I also provided the Rap Genius link tho.
Thank you tho. 🙏🏻
Lmk how you like it after you listen. 🙏🏻