likely getting fired tomorrow along with a couple others because my company fucking lied straight to my face and changed policies. so much backass shit going on there idk where to begin.
at least i get unemployment, severance, vac payout, and my tax return. and i have my job at target back p much instantly. 5 buck paycut which could be a lot worse. and no benefits but fuck it we're all gonna die someday.
I’m about to get canned, too. One of the attorneys just can’t stand me. I don’t really know why. I guess it’s a dude thing cuz he babies all the girls I work with. He lets one of the chicks I work with go home early all the time because she’s “too stressed out” even though 90% of her job is just mailing shit to clients. Meanwhile, I manage 7 satellite locations and end up working til 8 o’clock sometimes and he acts like I’m being lazy. I hate working for attorneys. They’re all lazy af pussies that are pretty much useless aside from the books they’ve read
Ive been looking for a new job too. its become apparent the divide between management and workers is just increasing, and there is a lot of tension. Worker morale is at an all time low, and its become apparent we have no opportunity to move up in the company or get new responsibilities anymore.
I fucking HATE working for white knights. My last boss was like that. The nice thing was he would always hire young hot snatch, but he would always baby them and favor them.
* Download Australia is on this weekend * Been mulling over whether to go for ages but March is my busiest time of the year at work and it's stressful as fuck and I can't think of anything but work right now * Tuesday I was feeling ok with my work and like I had it under control. Looked at flights to Melbourne for Download. $700 return. Not bad
* Yesterday I was feeling even better about my work. I'd busted my ass and was feeling good about things. Looked at flights last night again. $900. Ouch. But still worth it
* i was still sitting on the couch last night pondering life and wondering what to do and my wife says....your know your passport has expired right ? Fuck my life
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I attempt to pass a piss test on Friday
* Been mulling over whether to go for ages but March is my busiest time of the year at work and it's stressful as fuck and I can't think of anything but work right now
* Tuesday I was feeling ok with my work and like I had it under control. Looked at flights to Melbourne for Download. $700 return. Not bad