To wtf, what really sucks is that shovel knight is a total platform dl or whatever. I have on my ps3 in the living room and my ps4 in my room. I haven't turned on either system in almost two months until now. Maybe I'll start from the beginning because I really loved every aspect of the game up until I stopped.
Beat the Unity campaign. Pretty decent. Actually havin more fun wit the game in free roam tho runnin around doin all the side missions and collectibles.
Anyone play Mirror's Edge Catalyst? Was a huge fan of the first and wanna try this one but it's gettin extremely average reviews. 6s & 7s all across the board. Prolly jus rent it and beat it real quick I heard the campaign is extremely short like the 1st.
Played about 2.5 hours. So far, no crashes, soft or hard, and no bricking. It did patch though.
There is some noticable frame drops though, and the platforming is not smooth. It feels slippery, and its hard to gauge hitboxes and where you can jump to.
Level design is basic, but not bad. Same with enemy design and music.
Its pretty hard too. Only beat two levels so far. But a lot of the difficulty comes from janky playforming and cheap bosses.
Graphics are subpar. Early PS3/360 or even late Dreamcast.
Overall shitty for a $4 million budget, but not a horrible game in its own right. Needs some polish, and it definitely doesnt do anything new or original, but its fun. And its only, what, $25? Something like that. If it didnt have the $4 mil budget, and all the controversy I think people would be less angry and disgusted by the final product. Its like a 6/10 so far. Lets see how I feel when I finish it.
I should probably pick up Uncharted three and finish it. I played it for an hour or two so far.
I liked Uncharted two but it wasn't this all time top 10 great like you guys made it out to be. The climbing, visuals and most of the gunplay was a lot of fun, but the story was extremely bland.The set pieces were awesome doe.
Dude youre crazy. Like i get youre a little bias but aside from the big set pieces and cool climbing views uncharted doesnt do anything that special. Lou has the freat set pieces along with an outstanding atmosphere it creats and amazing sound. LOU is emotional and intense. I routinely find my heart racing and feel anxiety playing it even for the fourth time, something that hasnt happened to me even once with uncharted.
Like i said they are very good, fun games. They just dont even compare to LOU. I dont even know how you can argue. Like you can tell naughty dog learned along the way with uncharted and really put it all together with LOU.
Uncharted has always had the best graphics, amazing stories, great environments, great set pieces, great gameplay (aside from the awkward stealth and shooting mechanics of 4), likable characters with personality, historical fiction locations. It made me feel like I was on an adventure. The action sequences have yet to be topped. It perfected what things like Indiana Jones, National Treasure, and Tomb Raider brought in to media.
I never got that feeling of excitement and wonder from LoU. Whole thing just came off as generic to me. It never went as far as they promised with AI, and it feels like every other survival horror game I have played. Amnesia and Outlast had much better atmosphere, and actually physically stress me out when I am playing those. LoU just frustrated me because clickers are assholes.
Even the emotional component of the story fell flat to me after playing The Walking Dead games.
And I liked LoU. I obsessed over it before it launched. Like I said, I preordered the special steelcase/artbook edition. Got the soundtrack. Bought all of the Dark Horse comics. Got skins for Littlebigplanet. The whole thing.
But when I was done, I was just kinda left with a "thats it?" Especially since I had just finished Bioshock: Infinite and was blown the fuck away by that.
Youre the type of person who forms his opinion on something and then sticks by that opinon no matter what. so im not even gonna debate really. Your dick is red rocket hard over uncharted and nothing will change that.
Not always true. I hated Bioshock the first time I played it. Thought it was a piece of shit. My friend told me to try it again. So I replayed it, and its become one of my fav games.
Likewise I used to like Duke Nukem Forever when it first came out. Didnt get the hate. Took a few years away from it, replayed Duke 3D, and now I understand why people say its a pile of dick farts
What are we playing bitch? I'll lose valiantly either way.
There is some noticable frame drops though, and the platforming is not smooth. It feels slippery, and its hard to gauge hitboxes and where you can jump to.
Level design is basic, but not bad. Same with enemy design and music.
Its pretty hard too. Only beat two levels so far. But a lot of the difficulty comes from janky playforming and cheap bosses.
Graphics are subpar. Early PS3/360 or even late Dreamcast.
Overall shitty for a $4 million budget, but not a horrible game in its own right. Needs some polish, and it definitely doesnt do anything new or original, but its fun. And its only, what, $25? Something like that. If it didnt have the $4 mil budget, and all the controversy I think people would be less angry and disgusted by the final product. Its like a 6/10 so far. Lets see how I feel when I finish it.
I liked Uncharted two but it wasn't this all time top 10 great like you guys made it out to be. The climbing, visuals and most of the gunplay was a lot of fun, but the story was extremely bland.The set pieces were awesome doe.
Like i said they are very good, fun games. They just dont even compare to LOU. I dont even know how you can argue. Like you can tell naughty dog learned along the way with uncharted and really put it all together with LOU.
I never got that feeling of excitement and wonder from LoU. Whole thing just came off as generic to me. It never went as far as they promised with AI, and it feels like every other survival horror game I have played. Amnesia and Outlast had much better atmosphere, and actually physically stress me out when I am playing those. LoU just frustrated me because clickers are assholes.
Even the emotional component of the story fell flat to me after playing The Walking Dead games.
But when I was done, I was just kinda left with a "thats it?" Especially since I had just finished Bioshock: Infinite and was blown the fuck away by that.
I will say the LoU soundtrack is awesome though.
Likewise I used to like Duke Nukem Forever when it first came out. Didnt get the hate. Took a few years away from it, replayed Duke 3D, and now I understand why people say its a pile of dick farts