Also has to do with console gamers being used to aim assist. So when that comes off, they arent used to it. PC gamers are.
Thats one type of game. Shooters. There are dozens and dozens of other game genres.
I know. Im not really PC master race snob. Competitively I do think PC gamers have a leg up, especially when it comes to shooters, because of mouse and key vs controller, and the aim assist thing.
But obviously consoles and console gamers are better at things like platformers, fighters, and racing games.
I mean i understand if its a misdirection and the events are happening on day 1 of the infection or something. It just didnt feel like Resident Evil at all
But obviously consoles and console gamers are better at things like platformers, fighters, and racing games.
Also there are no fucking zombies in the demo.