At least Halo has a great story, and some creativity. CoD is the Michael Bay of videogames Lots of explosions with no substance. Its a game for plebs and casuals.
mw2 mW 3 and black ops 2 are all better then every Halo ever
Those games were horrible. Big Red One and World at War are the best CoDs. And neither as good as Halo. But I will say the first three CoDs and World at War are pretty good. They did World War II right.
nah. No actuall gamer that plays FPS's competitively gives a fuck about story. And cod is the go to shooter on consoles for competitive shit. Iv played with a lot of guys who have went to play in pretty good tournaments, even had offers to join some teams, most of them say halo is alright but prefer CoD gameplay all day.
inb4 the inevitable incoming dislike from MC's salty ass.
Forever and always
at least multi 0 about single