My opinion on modern games is pretty useless but I played most nes and snes games including all the megamans on those systems .. Game is vastly overrated.. So is metroid, so is castlevania.. Hard =\= good.. And I have no idea the demographic for megaman .. Was talking more Pokemon /Kirby I guess
Fuck...fifa, NHL, NBA, destiny, unity, advanced warfare all coming out in the next three months...finally have games to play on the new system. Finna be broke
Fuck...fifa, NHL, NBA, destiny, unity, advanced warfare all coming out in the next three months...finally have games to play on the new system. Finna be broke
Destiny is the only one remotely worth it. Save your money so you're not finna broke.
everyone other then Nola that's commented I would consider pretty solid gamers, but if you wanna blow jake while he blows me that's cool. Maybe he will be more motivated to finish the job
yeah nigga. COD 4 took that FPS to the next level in competitive online and more. It's just a shame they buried themselves as soon as they saw the $ and made COD franchise trash most of the time. Here's hope to COD: AW just cause it's taken 3 years to make along with it's new engine.
everyone other then Nola that's commented I would consider pretty solid gamers, but if you wanna blow jake while he blows me that's cool. Maybe he will be more motivated to finish the job
will never get touched haha wolfenstein a close second