My top would prob be 1. Duke Nukem 3D 2. Bioshock 3. Doom 4. Halo 2 5. Killzone 2 (story)/ Killzone 3 (multiplayer)
If Left 4 Dead 2 and Payday 2 count, then those would be 3 and 4 though. And I still need to play through Half-Life, but given the reception of that game, that'd probably make it to my top 5. F.E.A.R. and Resistance are good too.
nah. No actuall gamer that plays FPS's competitively gives a fuck about story.
sooooo not true
Dude iv played with a lot of competitive gamers. Won a few headset's and controllers ect. And every good gamer iv ever talked to prefers cod to halo. You are just bias, you're kinda like Nola with video games. You don't like anything mainstream.
nah. No actuall gamer that plays FPS's competitively gives a fuck about story.
sooooo not true
Dude iv played with a lot of competitive gamers. Won a few headset's and controllers ect. And every good gamer iv ever talked to prefers cod to halo. You are just bias, you're kinda like Nola with video games. You don't like anything mainstream.
Even reviewers and users think the same way. Halo scores higher than CoD on Metacritic, and every magazine except IGN because IGN are plebs.
I couldn't name a single person who plays halo anymore that's so 2005.. I didn't even know they still make them
Halo 4 came out like last year. Halo 5 is supposed to come out next year, and a Halo Collection which remastered all the previous games (with amazing fucking graphics, holy shit), and Halo 2's multiplayer (best Halo multiplayer, imo) is coming out this year.
nah. No actuall gamer that plays FPS's competitively gives a fuck about story.
sooooo not true
You don't like anything mainstream.
I would also like to point out that this isn't true. I like most of what Nintendo puts out. Zelda, Mario, Kirby, and Pokemon are pretty damn mainstream. My favorite game of all time is Megaman X, and thats mainstream. And I love Warcraft and Starcraft, which are some of the most popular games ever in the history of games. I just have standards, and don't like playing shit games with no substance.
nah. No actuall gamer that plays FPS's competitively gives a fuck about story.
sooooo not true
Dude iv played with a lot of competitive gamers. Won a few headset's and controllers ect. And every good gamer iv ever talked to prefers cod to halo. You are just bias, you're kinda like Nola with video games. You don't like anything mainstream.
Even reviewers and users think the same way. Halo scores higher than CoD on Metacritic, and every magazine except IGN because IGN are plebs.
iGN does suck. No one was happy with the last cod it was trash. bO 2 was bad on release but after updates ruled. mW 2 & 3 are two of the most played fps around in their day though. You just have a hard on for disliking COd. It's by no means perfect. But as far as fun factor with shooters. Cod is still on top.
Only thing I really enjoyed as far as CoD multiplayer was zombies. I'd consider buying a CoD if they made a complete zombies game, or if they actually went back to World War II. But even with the zombies thing, I got Left 4 Dead and Dead Island, and a shit ton of other zombies games now to play with.
nah. No actuall gamer that plays FPS's competitively gives a fuck about story.
sooooo not true
You don't like anything mainstream.
I would also like to point out that this isn't true. I like most of what Nintendo puts out. Zelda, Mario, Kirby, and Pokemon are pretty damn mainstream. My favorite game of all time is Megaman X, and thats mainstream. And I love Warcraft and Starcraft, which are some of the most popular games ever in the history of games. I just have standards, and don't like playing shit games with no substance.
nah. No actuall gamer that plays FPS's competitively gives a fuck about story.
sooooo not true
You don't like anything mainstream.
I would also like to point out that this isn't true. I like most of what Nintendo puts out. Zelda, Mario, Kirby, and Pokemon are pretty damn mainstream. My favorite game of all time is Megaman X, and thats mainstream. And I love Warcraft and Starcraft, which are some of the most popular games ever in the history of games. I just have standards, and don't like playing shit games with no substance.
All of those except Mario and Starcraft suck
well not Zelda. I just personally don't like it.
WHAT THE FUCK RICHARD!? This hurts. How can you not like Megaman or Kirby? I mean I can KINDA see dislike for Pokemon, if you don't like RPGs, and Warcraft, if you don't like RTS - but you said you like Starcraft so WTF...
1. Duke Nukem 3D
2. Bioshock
3. Doom
4. Halo 2
5. Killzone 2 (story)/ Killzone 3 (multiplayer)
If Left 4 Dead 2 and Payday 2 count, then those would be 3 and 4 though. And I still need to play through Half-Life, but given the reception of that game, that'd probably make it to my top 5. F.E.A.R. and Resistance are good too.
sooooo not true
battlefront series
cod series
all you really need tbh
once again multi 0 about single
iGN does suck. No one was happy with the last cod it was trash. bO 2 was bad on release but after updates ruled. mW 2 & 3 are two of the most played fps around in their day though. You just have a hard on for disliking COd. It's by no means perfect. But as far as fun factor with shooters. Cod is still on top.
mc literally is le the complete opposite of me for gaming haha
well not Zelda. I just personally don't like it.