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LSD is good for the mind
maybe but not the brain
Y'all wanna go skitzo doe be my guest
It's your life idc
Not a lot of long term research has been medically documented but idk if I'd personally chance it by taking it to often
It seems like a once or twice a year thing to me not a hey I'm bored let's do acid kinda thing
damn, stop being a fag nola
damn I wish I was cooler everyone always make fun of me
It would be different if he was doing it daily. Twice a month ain't shit
K doctor
You can't even do it daily it doesn't work that way
this is the guy who literally just said his body is paying for bad choices he made earlier in life lol I mean c'mon ..
No you can't look it up
Just look at it this way
Tim Leary did hundreds of LSD trips
Where is he now?
Just look at it this way.
My Grandma did 0 LSD trips.
Where is she now?
everything in moderation
That was the joke ya fuckin idiot
Dear god
Btw please educate yourself you fucking jackass.
the dead. Wasnt a dead. Giveaway?
Mobile is poverty so see below picture.
LSD is good for the mind
maybe but not the brain
Y'all wanna go skitzo doe be my guest
It's your life idc
Not a lot of long term research has been medically documented but idk if I'd personally chance it by taking it to often
It seems like a once or twice a year thing to me not a hey I'm bored let's do acid kinda thing
damn, stop being a fag nola
damn I wish I was cooler everyone always make fun of me
It would be different if he was doing it daily. Twice a month ain't shit
K doctor
You can't even do it daily it doesn't work that way
this is the guy who literally just said his body is paying for bad choices he made earlier in life lol I mean c'mon ..
No you can't look it up
Just look at it this way
Tim Leary did hundreds of LSD trips
Where is he now?
Just look at it this way.
My Grandma did 0 LSD trips.
Where is she now?
everything in moderation
That was the joke ya fuckin idiot
Dear god
Btw please educate yourself you fucking jackass.
the dead. Wasnt a dead. Giveaway?
Mobile is poverty so see below picture.