Just had some 'afternoon delight' with the girl. She might be late to work because of it and i'm sure i'll probably get some repercussions if she is, but for right now... fuuuuuck yeaaaa
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Kinda sames here. My girlfriend cut the grass while I was gone and let the kids play, so when I got back from court I had napping kids and a blowjob waiting on me
I know this doesn't sound right but I give zero fucks...hot chick from high school......I mean banging....just hit me up on Facebook....her and her ex broke up like well over a month ago...anyways she hits me up gives me her number and tells me if I need to talk to text her.... Yup Finna wait a couple days...text .,, then smash...long term smash possible.. Short term mandatory
Just had some 'afternoon delight' with the girl. She might be late to work because of it and i'm sure i'll probably get some repercussions if she is, but for right now... fuuuuuck yeaaaa
Kinda sames here. My girlfriend cut the grass while I was gone and let the kids play, so when I got back from court I had napping kids and a blowjob waiting on me
THIS IS SO BAD ASS! Makes me wish I got myself in better shape and learned martial arts when I was younger.
Poverty mobil
I thought this was funny
Just cringed irl tbh. Scust.
Second fucking row for Asleep At The Wheel. Shits about to get real.
I know this doesn't sound right but I give zero fucks...hot chick from high school......I mean banging....just hit me up on Facebook....her and her ex broke up like well over a month ago...anyways she hits me up gives me her number and tells me if I need to talk to text her.... Yup Finna wait a couple days...text .,, then smash...long term smash possible.. Short term mandatory
goin to C2E2 today \m/
I've found that with hallucinagins they rarely show up when you want them...it's always when you're not expecting it
Just like sex
Best trip I've had in a while. My friend just got an xbox one so we played Titanfall for a few hours. That shit was confusing as hell.
Titanfall is basic
good game, but nothing about it is confusing.
maybe acid adds a layer of weird to it
I'm really enjoying it. Played it for a solid 4 hours yesterday.
Ya know LSD is prob not a drug you wanna do habitually...
I'd maybe take a quick gander at the long term effects on your brain ..