It's not a matter of if you take it to often...everyone's brain is different...I know people who only did it a couple times and it fried their brainy uncle probably did acid 300 times and he's all depends on the person
just to be so condescending about something you haven't even you know first hand that he's gonna get fucked up from dosing a couple times a month. That shit is like Facefuck or MC giving out pot smoking warnings
people get fried off that liquid shit because it's harder to dose. I've never come across liquid LSD but if I do, that's the shit I'd be careful with. I've taken 6 hits before and felt fine two days later.
I'm jussayin be careful dear lord quit bein a faggot
It's not a matter of if you take it to often...everyone's brain is different...I know people who only did it a couple times and it fried their brainy uncle probably did acid 300 times and he's all depends on the person
just to be so condescending about something you haven't even you know first hand that he's gonna get fucked up from dosing a couple times a month. That shit is like Facefuck or MC giving out pot smoking warnings
Some people just can't handle it and it fucks with them emotionally. They have to correct that themselves.
"Oh you better not smoke more than 2 bowls a week or you'll go crazy. Jussayin, bro, jussayin"
chemical produced in a lab =/= harmless plant in the ground
You're being retarded right now
I'm such a condescending dick for trying to heed a little warning to a dude that seems a little shaky horry shit
a chemical you have no personal experience with
people get fried off that liquid shit because it's harder to dose. I've never come across liquid LSD but if I do, that's the shit I'd be careful with. I've taken 6 hits before and felt fine two days later.
I've tried liquid xanax before. It's a lot better than bars. Other than that, I haven't really fucked with liquid drugs.
tldr everything that just happened, but drugs are bad [-(
you will try
Wouldn't be hard if I had liquid LSD. I'd probably over-do it though and squirt way too much. You'd lose your shit.
i dont take candy from strangers
MC would prob commit suicide on cid. *praying smiley*