starting at 1:07 on that news report, I just thought of that episode of spongebob where Barancle Boy turned evil, and the fish news guy started asking a bunch of questions like "When will this crime wave end?" (three questions later): "Why am I asking YOU all these questions?"
Lucky. We have 2 weeks of classes then finals the next week. We've already taken the state "end of course" exams so it makes sense to me to just take our finals the week after our end of course exams and just get out of school about 3 weeks early
7 People died. A couples car was picked up and landed by the police station, the husband survived but the wife didn't, they had a kid who wasn't with them at the time.
A four year old and his mother
A girl I know lost her house and her dad....I dont know the others.
But it really hit me today.. The school is beyond repair. It will need to be rebuilt. The options are quite small. One is that we find a temporary school nearby, like when they tore down a school down the road to rebuild it, the kids went across the street to some other building. But that doesn't seem likely. They could make classes bigger to fit in more students in all the buildings, but that would require laying off teachers. So right now the most likely is going to different schools. I can't begin to imagine that though. My entire life I have gone to Lake, its my home. I always joked that it was janky and sucked, but I have spent almost as much time in Lake schools as I have my own house. I've grown to hate Genoa and Northwood, and those would be my only options. Its just unbelievable now.
Up until about three years ago, I was under the impression that it was nothing major and just needed repairs. So I didn't think it was a big deal...but now...
Also the next ACT date scheduled is next week, and the testing station for EVERYBODY in northwest Ohio is none other than my school.
I hope everyone's safe though.
"When will this crime wave end?" (three questions later): "Why am I asking YOU all these questions?"
I looked and couldn't find it.
A couples car was picked up and landed by the police station, the husband survived but the wife didn't, they had a kid who wasn't with them at the time.
A four year old and his mother
A girl I know lost her house and her dad....I dont know the others.
But it really hit me today.. The school is beyond repair. It will need to be rebuilt. The options are quite small. One is that we find a temporary school nearby, like when they tore down a school down the road to rebuild it, the kids went across the street to some other building. But that doesn't seem likely. They could make classes bigger to fit in more students in all the buildings, but that would require laying off teachers. So right now the most likely is going to different schools. I can't begin to imagine that though. My entire life I have gone to Lake, its my home. I always joked that it was janky and sucked, but I have spent almost as much time in Lake schools as I have my own house. I've grown to hate Genoa and Northwood, and those would be my only options. Its just unbelievable now.
Also the next ACT date scheduled is next week, and the testing station for EVERYBODY in northwest Ohio is none other than my school.