Sorry to hear that Leah. Sounds like it'd be best to just cut this guy out of your life the best you can. He just doesn't seem like someone who has any positive attributes. It may be tough to lose a long time friend but it sounds like he's the type of guy that won't improve at all so it's time to cut him off.
Stay at home went in effect at 8 last night in NY but people still out doing their thing. Think it is just a night time curfew. Wen't to Walmart this morning. Wasn't too bad. Got toilet paper (lol) and other essential things we use just not the brand we use but that's ok. I wore a surgical mask and gloves. Felt funny doing it but better safe than sorry I guess. 5FDP slated for May 6th got pushed till Oct. 28th and I have Slipknot on June 2. That one is still on for now but I'm betting they move the date. Got Nickelback (girlfriend like them) on July 5th. That is in question if I was a betting man.
It really all depends on how the American public handles this. If they only left and went to the store or whatever when they needed to, and they listened to instructions, it wouldn't get that bad and we'd be able to go back to normal (at least somewhat I would imagine) in the summer. But since people don't like to listen and they keep being dumb af, we're gonna end up worse than Italy and will be battling this thing for possibly the rest of the year. So far our spikes are surpassing Italy's
Idk how this lock down really changes anything for people who are still going out. It really just confirms i can work from home for at least the next 3 weeks lol.
The lockdown shit isn’t going to work well. At least here in NY. People were having parties last night near me.. and where I work is considered “essential” so I still have to work, and I still see plenty of people out. New Yorkers don’t take anything seriously ever 🙄
That's how it'll be in every state unless it's strictly enforced. The only way to get enough idiots to comply is to give them no other choice.
And the gov needs to get their heads out of their asses with this stimulus bill. Create 2 of those bitches (one that helps families, hospitals, small businesses, etc) and one that can focus on bs big Corp bailouts the two parties can argue about for months if they want to. But that's more of a pipe dream with all these old fuckheads in charge
Stuck home with wife and daughter for a month
Wish me luck
Leah you can still send nudes ok?
And the gov needs to get their heads out of their asses with this stimulus bill. Create 2 of those bitches (one that helps families, hospitals, small businesses, etc) and one that can focus on bs big Corp bailouts the two parties can argue about for months if they want to. But that's more of a pipe dream with all these old fuckheads in charge