The only bad Deftones gig I’ve seen was when they toured Family Values in 06 I believe. Chino was bloated and out of breath 3 songs into the set. A complete mess. I’ve seen them probably 10 times all together and they were great every other time.
Just let him out for 1 or 2 shows at a time. No new material )
I don't recall of mine was the first or second show he played since getting out, but his performance was spectacular. He's never that excited or animated on stage, but you could just see how happy he was to be out and performing again this time.
deftones are terrific imo but I guess I can see the distaste for them. more so for SOAD tho.
I remember about 10 or 15 years ago my dad heard a SOAD song I played and gave me the most billy madison-esque "what you just said" harsh insult ive ever received about a band I loved which included something like "in all my years of hearing music that had to be the shittiest and most obnoxious fucking thing Ive ever heard"
Fireal Minerva Doomed User Cherry Waves Pink Cellphone Lucky You Black Moon Hexagram Bored Good Morning Beautiful Swerve City Mein Hearts/Wires Hole in the Earth Leathers Crenshaw Punch Xerxes Geometric Headdress Tempest Prayers/Triangles Acid Hologram Rosemary Kimdracula Rats!Rats!Rats! the entire Around the Fur, White Pony and Diamond Eyes albums
I Love Deftones
Theres not a better hard rock band active rn aside from maybe Queens of the Stone Age
My nigga where is Beware? The riff alone at the end makes that song even better.
Even the meh Deftones albums like Saturday Night Wrist or Koi No Yokan are at least as good as better than Mesmerize/Hypnotize bs with Daron going on about his stupid Hollywood life. Toxicity has more "hits" than Deftones have managed to muster, but thats about it. Deftones have also managed to up their game as they've gone on, with Diamond Eyes and Gore being among the best in their output, while even the System offshoots since they broke up have either been repetitive (Solo Serj) or borderline embarrassing (Scars)
No new material
I don't recall of mine was the first or second show he played since getting out, but his performance was spectacular. He's never that excited or animated on stage, but you could just see how happy he was to be out and performing again this time.
I remember about 10 or 15 years ago my dad heard a SOAD song I played and gave me the most billy madison-esque "what you just said" harsh insult ive ever received about a band I loved which included something like "in all my years of hearing music that had to be the shittiest and most obnoxious fucking thing Ive ever heard"
guess its not a baby boomer thing
Great SOAD 2
Even the meh Deftones albums like Saturday Night Wrist or Koi No Yokan are at least as good as better than Mesmerize/Hypnotize bs with Daron going on about his stupid Hollywood life. Toxicity has more "hits" than Deftones have managed to muster, but thats about it. Deftones have also managed to up their game as they've gone on, with Diamond Eyes and Gore being among the best in their output, while even the System offshoots since they broke up have either been repetitive (Solo Serj) or borderline embarrassing (Scars)
anyway today’s teaser for LTL is Ice Cube