Actually it looks like they buffed Roadhogs damage or something, which could explain it, because Roadhogs are fucking ONE SHOTTING ZARYAS AND OTHER ROADHOGS
Pretty just they mde it so that if you hook them its a one shot kill after
Its something to do with his damage. Watch the vid, he kinda explains it. But he said anyone under (I think) 400 HP dies instantly from Hog. People above have a chance to instadie if all the pellets hit, and its followed up with a melee. But in his footage, there's a couple times he insta kills another roadhog at full HP too. And Dva is getting shredded by Roadhog in the earlier footage.
Thats when you just turn into YOLO reinhardt. Possibly the most dangerous reinhardt. Charge in every time and start throwing firestrikes and hammer swings everywhere.
I mean 80% of the time it'll blow up in your face and you'll get gang banged by the other team but the 20% where it works is fun as hell
rein is one and i havent decided on the other. But man dat earth shatter timed right is too good.
when im not playing over mott im discussing strategy or watching vids/ reading reddit about overmott.
I am an overmott addict.
ugh why did i wait so long to join to jump on
So what gives?
I mean 80% of the time it'll blow up in your face and you'll get gang banged by the other team but the 20% where it works is fun as hell